Don’t worry, I am far too pessimistic to be happy about our accord.
Anyways, Thebeka is turning into a charlie-foxtrot of epic proportions. When comparing Thebeka to Kahah, at least I can say there’s not the mass murder of innocents going on.
To be honest, CVA doesn’t need to deploy in space forces. They just need to deploy some ground forces with some fighting spirit. I’m reminded of the old joke, two Caldari generals meet up in Caille for tea. One asks the other: “who won the war in space?”
The war in space doesn’t matter. Of course with rebel-friendly stations in orbit, support and assistance can be sent more easily, but they still have to run the Imperial blockade forces, aero forces, and all others that will be actively interdicting the planet. Most of what is sent will not get to the surface. Special operations teams and equipment will be destroyed in the drop. It would take years, if not decades to insert forces that could make an actual difference in conventional combat.
Capsuleers are too busy stroking their ego, talking about fighting the Purity folks, or the EM folks, or the AM folks, or the PIE folks to recognize the objective.
Please. This is the capsuleer community. Apparently all the men are either in some kind of committed relationship or only a couple of neurons above brain-dead.
Actually, a surprising amount of Amarr men on the IGS are married. And even more surprisingly, a lot of them to Minmatar capsuleers even. I mean, at least DNA -wise, neither necessarily hold the views of the Empire or the Republic.