Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

With this thing I disagree. First of all, because to be Caldari you have to be of Caldari State. There is no Caldari bloodline, there is no Caldari race, there is only Caldari State.

Now if you consider Deteis, Civire and Achura, how to decide which side of the line is wrong one?

On one side we have corporations, that enforce strict doctrine, enforcing laws and code of conduct, bringing in ideals of honor, glory and meritocracy.
On the other side we have a corrupt unprofessional government that got their position not for their merit but for making a show to crowds to be elected; where you have freedom of speech and can insult and slander other people without criminal repercussion for your words; a society with amoral indecent behavior on public and in media and thorough hedonism, where top ideals are all-allowance of freedom and individualism, putting petty interest of a person above group.

Now think about that, why would anyone consider anyone being on Federal side not as wrong?

It doesn’t matter what bloodline you’re born into. It matters only what side do you stick to, wrong or proper, and just look at this. There is absolutely nothing proper in the Federation!

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

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