Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

I personally like and have liked a lot of people that a lot of people probably think I should not over the years and some of whom might be shocked to hear that I do themselves - from the pirate Ethan Verone to Admiral Gaven Lok’ri, from my little angel Kalaratiri to the terrorist Harkon Thorson, from the kybernaut Torvik Ironsides to Ishukone loyalist Alexandre Hinkelmann. And there are close allies and even kin that I do not like half as well as they’d deserve - I will refrain from mentioning examples on a public forum, you’ll excuse me.

I do not, sadly, live in a world where personal likes and dislikes matter much. Allegiances matter, loyalties matter. Trust matters.

Liking people and loving them is a nice distraction, a spice to life that would otherwise be dull and without that certain spark.

But I could love you and I could hate you, and it would not really change anything, except the kind of pain the emotion brings.

Which is it, then?

Would it change anything if you knew?