Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

But can’t that also be said of the weakness that compels people to accept order over virtue? To obey because it’s easier than having to think for yourself? If one is capable, without intermediary, of turning toward God, then doesn’t that, in and of itself, mean that person is capable of judging for themselves just what ‘turning toward God’ is, in the first place? Isn’t that exactly what’s being decried when Gaven claims



Right there, you’ve established a simple thing that supports Samira’s position, and utterly eviscerates Gaven’s. If the way to God is always free, because none can stand between God and his creation, then no-one and nothing is needed as intermediary. There is no need for any higher authority to show the way. There is no need for any Theology Council. There is no need to others to interpret Scripture. The seeker has only to place their faith in God, and he will provide to them the understanding he has determined is right for them to have.

Who can stand between Him and His creation? Not a Theology Council. Not an Empire. Not unfathomably endless volumes of Scripture.

So why are you trying? Is it anything more than the fear that she—and you, with what you’ve said there—might be right?