Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

But you know what’s even more funny? I actually did kill some miners - primarily FDU and TLF pilots, official enemies of Caldari State, of course I wasn’t losing security status for that. But CODE… CODE just barks barks barks, without even managing to check the facts.

Don’t blame them too much - since fighting for freeom is basically preying upon the innocents as well. Isn’t it your virtue?
And that’s not Caldari beliefs that strong have “right” to conquer the weak. In fact, we don’t even accept the notion of right per se. So-called “right” of strong to conquer the weak is nothing but a freedom of strong to conquer weak. Here in the State we use the power of law, that cuts down the freedom and doesn’t let strong abuse weak just because they’re strong and have freedom for that.

The goal of Corporation is a self-development, that leads to development of people who constitutes that Corporation. After all, the idea of Corporation is “working together”. The core tenant of Caldari docrtine is working for common good rather for petty personal interests. By developing the Corporation, you develop every worker in that Corporation. And the Laws of Corporations prevents individuals from exercising freedoms at anyone’s expense.

As for whom I consider hostile - everyone who will attack the State. I can and will attack anyone will be violating Caldari State laws in Caldari territory, would be it CODE cultists or freedom fanatics. Though always keep in mind, that my primary sphere of activities is fighting foreign invaders and protecting the State from gallentean occupants.