Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

What is done by the fervent, the religious and charlatans does not diminish or reduce the strength of those who knew the likely outcome of this day. Your attempts to do so are disappointing, but not surprising.

You spend more time attacking your own than the Amarr, Rhiannon.

You think that because you never pay any attention to what I do or say unless it is about you.

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Oh I’ve seen what you do, what you say, and who you say and do it to.

Go fly more with your golden friends, and ensure they have more weapons to obliterate our worlds with.

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You know the saying “takes one to know one?” Yet somehow zealots of a different feather never seem to recognize the zealotry in themselves.

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One would think the events in Turnur would be cause for paying respects to the dead with solemnity and dignity. Instead the dead seem to have become a cause for the circus of propaganda and the political opportunism of anyone with an axe to grind.

Perhaps Elsebeth has more sense than you do in this matter. If the matari were to work with the Amarr instead of attempting to hinder every groundbreaking experiment in stellar manipulation the lavaification of Turnur I might not have occured.


A little late for that now, isn’t it?

Don’t try and twist my words to my sister as support for the Amarr. It was their people who stole the technology we conquered, their people who set up these crazy experiences, and their people who refused to share the research. It was their people who tried to stop evacuations by force. “If only you had helped us stop this”, indeed. Not like they’d have let anyone help. These deaths are on them and may their God judge them accordingly one day.

There is nothing wrong with standing in defiance before the face of Death, and if Fate wants you to go into the Night then it is better to go to the beat of the drums and the lights from the stage and the bonfires and to the sweaty skin of your syskon moving together with yours than it is with a prayer to the Enemy.

I questioned whether the Mizhara speaking now is the one who stood in defiance and whose spirit endured. I questioned the idea that there was no other path. But never the defiance itself, and not whether the part of her spirit that did die was wrong.


The first ‘concept’, dubious as its framing is, excludes neither of those which follow; it does however imply without fully articulating the fundamental reason for your poor relations with those who serve Holy Amarr more directly.

The implication is fleshed out by this second attempt at a dichotomy where you conflate service with bloodlust and cowardice with some manner of noble consensus.

Your organisation are despised not because we seek to make you less, but because in abandoning past allegiance and attempting to make a virtue of pusillanimity, you long since did so yourselves.

Yeah, how dare they forsake their allegiance to the Empire by working with other EDENCOM-aligned capsuleer groups the way the Empress ordered. Doing what they were told?!? TREASON!!


“LUMEN doesn’t have the spine to do anything”
“LUMEN did stuff and there will be consequences!”
-The same people

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I mean, we all know it’s really…

‘LUMEN doesn’t kowtow to ME!!!1!1!ONE1!’


Wait. Are you serious?

If that’s the case and they aren’t following the divine will of the Empress, than crazy Naup isn’t so crazy after all. The throne is vacant. In a figurative sense.

Very interesting.

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LUMEN answered the Empire’s call for capsuleers to cooperate under EDENCOM’s guidance. This included joint operations in Poch, and other engagements where groups like Electus Matari assisted LUMEN as part of the greater EDENCOM-aligned population.

All of which is expressly ‘doing what the Throne told them to do’.

And as a result, certain yappy mutts with delusions of grandeur in AmarrMil have labeled them traitors. For doing what the Throne told them to do.


Let me help you with this because you seem a little confused.

Amarrmil: “Lumen doesn’t do anything to help the Empire despite writing literal essays about it”

Lumen goes on adventure to Eugidi to feed to Amarrmil while trying to cripple Amarrmil infrastructure alongside EM leash holders

Lumen, struggling to get words out through an over-tightened leash: “Gosh why are you sassing us, we’re finally doing things”


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I think you need a new intel department.

Or possibly a new brain.

Or both.

I need more coffee.


So, in the ‘news to you’ category: did you know that it’s been almost 9 years since I’ve been able to spend more than about 18h in the egg without experiencing post-traumatic REM disruptions? Apparently, I wax poetic about the experience of being a subcapital pilot trapped in a 1,000-km wide field of warp disruption bubbles while titans smartbombed everything in sight and volleyed doomsdays at one another for just short of a full 24h cycle.

Soooo… yeah, I know you can get out of the pod. :stuck_out_tongue:

You could just say “nuh uh” next time for maximal conciseness and save some syllables dear.

Good point. Will do.

After all, it’s hardly to my disadvantage if both your intel and your brain are malfunctioning.


You can Probably get a Discount on Bulk Orders of used Brains from the Blood Raider Covenant’s Corpse Dealers and Biomass Recyclers.

I would not Expect the Quality to be particularly Good though.

The Covenant are Strange.