Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Is he? Because I see a bunch of Caldari reaching out to condemn him, not him reaching out to them.

And just a minor point to make on this one, Aria:

One major thrust of your argument has been ‘We do not care what those who are not us think of our position’, and that’s a totally valid and respectable position.

But at the same time: when why should I, then, care what you, who are not me, think of mine?

Note: Not saying I don’t, or wouldn’t, just pointing it out.

By the traditional Caldari way of thinking, that’s your business. Your ways, your reasons, and your cares are all your own.

I keep trying to write about this in more detail and it keeps turning into this meandering behemoth so I think I’ll just leave it at this, with the understanding that of course it’s more complicated.

I can’t (or won’t, or at least will try not to) make your reasons up for you, Arrendis. I don’t accept your judgments unless I see truth in them-- that is, for my own reasons. I never have.

It’d be strange if I expected you to measure yourself by my standards.

I’m more Caldari than most Caldari, simply based on mass and area of space I take up.


That’s cold.

It’s true though. Even for a Civire, who have a tendency towards monolithic cuboidism, Ax’l is a strapping lad.

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What are the Caldari? Horrific oppressors of the Achuran people who must be Reclaimed.

Cold Wind favors the strong.

I’m glad somebody got it. :slight_smile:

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What is a traditional Khanid sparring/martial (either barehanded or melee) art?

Khanid wrestling dates back thousands of years, to before even contact with the Amarr. The sport being a way to practice the skills for war, and to build strength and endurance.
There are several traditional forms, each associated with particular regions of Assimia, the continent on Athra (Amarr Prime). Those regions of Assimia being the ancestral homelands of the ancient Khanid tribes.
The exact rules of each form vary, the commonalities being that to win, a competitor must force their opponent to touch the ground with a part of the body other than the feet, and that good sportsmanship must be observed at all times, such as the competitors shaking hands before and after a bout, and allowing (and assisting) an opponent to adjust their clothing should it become loose or entangled, even if that means giving up an advantageous grip.


Count me in!

Okay. You, me, arena. Lets see how good of Khanid you are.

Wresting a woman would be indecent and degrading.

I don’t think women are even allowed to participate in traditional Khanid wrestling.

I am not “a woman!”
I am a Soldier of the State!

Looking through my copy of “Khanid Tribes During The Reclaiming” (Hedion University Press, AD 23145)

Female soldiers are not permitted to participate in traditional Khanid wrestling.
The name of the sport of wrestling isn’t even consistent across the extant sources.
The most common name translates most closely to “Solidness”.
Which is one of three martial arts described in ancient Khanid writings, the others being “horsemanship”, and “archery/accuracy”. Some sources describe them as “the three manly virtues”, others “the three arts of war”, others “the three manly skills”. The translations of these ancient Khanid languages is difficult and inexact.
Skill in horse riding and archery was important during the early Reclaiming, where Khanid horse archers formed an important part of the Imperial Army, as well as Khanid infantrymen.
And while women were permitted to learn archery and horsemanship, primarily for hunting purposes, and sometimes compete in those disciplines, and indeed to serve as soldiers to protect the camps while the men were away at war, they were not permitted to wrestle.

All the more reason to see Nauplius subjected to such degrading treatment.


He is scared that I would beat the ■■■■ out of him

That was actually I who challenged him.