OFFER CLOSED/SOLD - WTS 184M SP almost everything for sub caps V, Marauders V, Black Ops V, Cal Dread V, Min Dread IV both t2 weapons, heavy fighters

@Levon_Bedros send isk and account name and I make the transfer :slight_smile: congrats!

Thank you! I’m actually outside right now, but will be home in like 3-4 hours. Will send info and isk as soon as I get home. Sorry

I thought jita quoted 190. Isn’t jita more expensive?

Isn’t my bid higher?

More of a question to the other bidder.

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I didn’t break the rules

190bil is my bid

I didnt say you broke the rules. You asked the other bidder a question. If you bid 190 would they continue?

Their answer was maybe. You didnt confirm that you were bidding 190. OP reserves the right to choose as it is anyway.

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190bil is my bid

ISK and account details have been sent. Sorry for the wait.

@jita24 your initial 190bil was a question and not a bid 100%. For the second one I’m sorry but @Levon_Bedros already sent the isk and the character is already in transfer. Thank you for cooperating all!

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Character Received. Thanks for everything!

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