Ok, it’s hard, I’m going to die, some are Aholes, got it but what else?

The cost is $11 per month when buying a yearly subscription. That is very cheap entertainment and gives security of being able to do whatever you want in the game without having to grind PLEX each month for access to Omega content.

Now I’m not going to try to persuade you to do a yearly sub, if you can’t see the benefit of doing it then go ahead and do the little 3 month special as Omega, afterwards you’ll revert back to Alpha and have to wait for the next Omega special. Meanwhile during that time you won’t have access to all the Omega stuff you were using. Eventually that aspect right there will more than likely sour your gameplay experience and probably cause you to quit again.

I have 2 accounts, I always keep this account fully subbed as Omega while my other account only gets subbed when special deals are available. That way my main character continues to have Omega status which allows me to engage in all content available in this game with my alternate character acting in a support role.

Lol Mad Max

Totally makes sense.
My thinking was that it will take me a little while to become inept, but knowledgeable enough to get around and do the absolute basics. Then a couple of years to become halfassssed.

I am slowly developing an idea of what type of character I want to have as a main and it looks like the only way to do it requires Omega to get the ships and gear. But I also think that I have so much learning time before I need to actually fly the ships and buy the gear that I should wait until I’m ready to start planning my ship and gear to go omega.

I think I have a lot of dying to do and it just makes sense to do that in free ships and a free account. I am about to create another toon to drag through the tutorial and then send him on suicide trips to learn about the different part of space. I think I like my main character but it may change as I learn more.

I expect a couple of months of creating alts to experiment and stock up on ships before I try pvp for real. Then a couple more months to kinda understand it before I commit to my plan.


EvE is easy:
Step 1. Acquire the best ship in-game: Friendship.
Step 2. Learn the “always win” pvp strategy: have more friends with you than your target.
Step 3. Set the universe on fire … for the right price, ofc.

See you in a few years! :smiley:

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Eh, baseless assumptions about me aside, the argument was not $11 a month is more that $15 a month, the argument was that: the suggestion to someone who just joined up and is getting the hang of the game to blow $140 during their trial is not always going to land. People will balk, people like me.

Clearly the yearly sub is cheaper in the log run, and invested players who plan to keep playing would be foolish not to book it.

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From everything I am reading this game is a long haul type of game. I’m going to do the one year when I go omega because I think it will take that long just to get comfortable enough to know if I’m going the right direction.
But I don’t do that with all games I try. Most I do a monthly to see if I’m still interested three months in.


Solo PvP should be conducted in a remote location of space with an Elite PvP Trainer that will not take your ships to bits for the shear s*&t stink of an easy kill.

The trainer will allow you to fit your ship the way you want to fit it and then Duel him or her in their Elite fit ship. Once the trainer is confident with your skills he will reveal to you the little secrets of how to win every Solo PvP Duel that you encounter.

Don’t be hasty and jump into PvP right away. Find someone willing to train and spare with you that wants you to be the best PvP pilot and could really care less about a cheap kill to pad their Kill Board with.

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This is a type of environment that is constantly shifting in many directions at once like a sand dune with a sharp teethed monster under the sand.

Be as flexible as possible and avoid remaining stagnant in one system for too long. You will find out what being stagnant in a system results in by venturing to Uedama or Niarja during your training.

Don’t become the Ahole and take the easy road to becoming an Elite PvP Pilot.

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Alpha Clone state is the trial period. After completing the Tutorial, Career Agents and the Level 1 Sisters Of Eve Epic Arc, the player should know if they want to stay with the game. Doing a sub on a 3 month deal is fine, but advising them to only sub when those deals are available does more harm than good. After they revert back to Alpha and wait for the next Omega special they won’t have access to all the Omega stuff they were using. That aspect will sour their gameplay experience and probably cause them to quit.

My suggestion to purchase a yr sub keeps access to Omega game content. They can continue using their Omega stuff without stressing on when the next Omega Special will happen and they won’t have to grind ISK to PLEX their sub each month. As an Omega Clone on a yr sub, all ISK gained in-game can be used to further their character’s advancement in the game.

If you want to stay Alpha Clone then by all means do it. However when you encourage others to do the same, all you’re doing is denying them the full Eve experience.

No … that is not my understanding. I had thought after the initial introduction of alpha that the percentage of later conversions to subs was too high. Which is also part of the reason why CCP subsequently buffed FTP - including access to BS - so that players would not need to go omega.

Or have I got that all back asswards ?

I had to go back to reread my first post, because I had no recollection of telling anyone to stay Alpha. After doing so, I can only state that I have no idea how you would arrive at that idea based on what I wrote. Assuming we’re both native English speakers, it doesn’t really follow from, “there was a 50% deal on 3-month Omega upgrades, so I took it.”

It could be that I’m dense and this is Eve-calibre trolling, something I will have to learn to recognize, but I feel I’ve shitted up the OP’s thread long enough. See you elsewhere.

How much you die depends on you.

Most players are high sec care bears and rarely, if ever die. Other than the occasional gank if you are flying a loot pinata, there is no benefit to killing you. You can literally go years of playing Eve without ever being shot by another player.

If you choose to leave high sec, engage other players, and generally interact with the deeper parts of the game- then you will come into contact with people and places that will allow for you to be attacked. If you fight, you WILL die, but luckily you are an immortal space god for whom death means little.

The goal in Eve has never been to not ever die. The entire point of being a capsuleer is that you can’t be killed. Ships are disposable. The only real goal is to profit more from each ship than it’s loss costs you. Many players can’t accept this and go ballistic when losing a 500mil ship that has already made them ten times that.

My suggestion is always to join a solid alliance and make your life in New Eden far easier and more interesting. For one, you will learn more in one fleet than you will from months of farting around alone. Secondly, any alliance worth joining offers an SRP, making losing ships a moot point compared to enjoying the content. Indeed, you can often get industrial support ships and even ratting ships covered by the alliance. For example in GSF we have a group of dedicated WH scanners that get paid for reporting WH chains and their ships covered if lost while doing so. By joining up with others, new opportunities arise and you can get more mileage out of a given type of content.

Train up core skills. They apply to all ships regardless of what type of content they are for. This gives you plenty of time to poke around and see what content interests you. Then you will have a better understanding of what you want to do in the game. This then makes selecting what skills to train a lot easier.
Lastly, don’t be afraid to dabble. You don’t have to have maxed out skills just to try something out in Eve. You aren’t class locked so there are no ‘wasted’ skills in Eve.


I’m not that interested in going full pvp. I’m probably only going to attack in retaliation or defend myself if im attacked but I know it’s integral to the game so I need to learn some early. I’d rather do that with the freebie ships and hopefully learn enough to know what battles to choose or avoid.
I’m leaning to exploring and crafting early on while I get comfortable with the game. Once I feel a step above Forrest Gump I will join a Corp but I kinda want to find a spot in low sec I think.

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Yup, once I get a feel for the basics and have a better handle on the things I know I need to learn I’m going to join a Corp.

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I wouldn’t wait to look for a good corp/alliance. That is where you will rise above ‘Forrest Gump’ level.
It’s a common mistake for players to wait for a certain level (be it game knowledge or SP) until they feel like they can even try. That line in the sand will always keep moving. The more you learn about Eve, the more you realize it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Many alliances offer training classes and fleets. E-Uni, Karmafleet, Horde, etc all offer the day one newbie both training but also community. I believe it’s community that makes Eve worth playing. But these groups will hand out skill books, free ships, and fully expect newbs to do newb things. You literally cannot make Eve any easier to get into.
Even in our main strategic fleets, there is always someone for whom it’s their first titan bridge and needs to ask how to use it-- it’s no big deal, that same guy usually goes on to be the one helping the next first timer. At least in our fleets, we accommodate questions from new players, make sure someone uses the broadcast system for hearing impaired players, and offer translation to non-English speakers.
Trust me, you not being an expert at something is not going to be the reason the fleet gets whelped.


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