Hello guys Im selling Myself.
Im in NPC corp now,over 50 mil SP Old pilot from 2005.
No kill rights,positive walet
Starting bid at 45b,BO set for 55.
Will be on market for 48h or BO is reach then i pay for transfer fee. Im online.
Good luck and have fun whit it.
up to my good char
free bump
45 bil
will leave it for 2h more and sell it if nowbody gives more good luck.
you can send the isk to begin the transfer
I was asleep, give me a bit of time
mate you want the char or not ? let me know please
Yeah, I am getting the money now, don’t worry
Isk and account info sent o/
im home now will start process in 10 min
after i check the isk
Target user has too many characters. You need other account mate
Sorry about that, I sent you another mail
10 Jun 2018 07:29
enjoynit mate. All good
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