My account dates back to 2012. I’ve played off and on.
Station Trading
I was never the strongest station trader, sometimes on account of bots, sometimes on account of life, but often also on account of the usual factors that separate the pro’s from the rookies. Mostly it was bots though, that kept me from ever enjoying the hard-earned skills of the character.
Upon my return, I was relieved to find that my almost full trading skillset would now be useful, and bots are potentially gone, but changing orders is very punishing, to the point that it seems like once you post, and somebody undercuts you, the only thing you can do is wait potentially months for the market to swing back to your own items. Yes, I know you can post multiple orders, but that hardly addresses the isk-sucking brokers side of things. Again, I’m newly returned, and looking for new strategies.
In the end, I was thinking I’d just set up shop in a low sec station and see if I could (after all these years) make use of my character’s trading skills.
Changes in Game Balance - Paid Progress
I understand that games have to adapt to the changes of the times, and its probably extremely difficult to make any money without the usual psychological exploits that create a dopamine feedback loop and various tricks borrowed from iphone games.
Since EVE has become more flashy, with quite a few more entry points to the money store, I’m just asking if EVE is still offers the same balance as before.
I used to love wormholes. Are there any major changes with that area of Eve that would throw off my usual (2015) workflow?
Are there any major things that have changed that will take me by surprise? For example, in Eudama I always knew to keep alert. But now it seems trolled to plague proportions, so my hauling “career” might be over as well.
Thanks guys, just catching up.