I last subbed to the game around 2020. Played for a few weekends and put the game down, was thinking it was going to be forever but here I am.
Looks like I may have played a bit in 2018 as well for a while but honestly can’t even remember.
My consistent play period was between 2008 and 2016. Not sure if this information is any use, but perhaps someone can fill the gaps in terms of “major” changes. I know Citadels came about roughly as I was packing up shop. That’s about all I remember.
Back then I was primarily solo/small group PVP. Never liked the big fleet stuff except the times when we had to defend our WH.
Got zero industry skills on any of my characters.
Not sure what ships are new, what’s useless and what’s OP (I primarily flew ceptors, AFs, ACs and faction variants of those classes)
I’m open to pve exploration stuff
Not interested in isk grind, no idea how the games economy is but I assume a couple trillion in assets + few hundred bil in liquid is pretty much anything goes
I don’t really want to go back to solo PVP again. I believe that’s why I’ve picked the game up and put it back down over the past 10 years. No friends lol.
I was gone even longer than that, so I feel ya. I don’t recognize half the ships flying around now, and half of the ones I do recognize have totally different fittings and bonuses than what I remember.