So I played long while ago and I got to have an orca and a hulk
but its been years, YEARS, so things change and I need a hand getting
back into the rythm, I like mining and gathering, I am NOT a fan of PvP
so what guild/clan/player would be able to help me get cruising so I am get into gathering isk again.
Then you are playing the wrong game…
Thank you for your filling and extensive reply, so let me get this right, you pvp your way to material? isk? I am sure unless you got 2-3-45 accounts you can’t build ■■■■without materia, so what your snotty response fulfill, your ego? poor little thing
I wasn’t trying to be an ass. I was simply stating that EVE is an open-world, PvP-anywhere, 24/7 game. Doesn’t matter whether or not you like to PvP. The PvP will find you…
so then there is guild/fleets or whatever its called that has a certain amount of PvP and certain amount of gatherers , the pvp protect the gatherers while the gatherreres supply the materia that the said fleet uses to build stuff. I am a gatherer, so what if I have to hire or be a part of a fleet that sends pvp to protect the resourse gathering… or am I wrong in assuming fleets protect their suppliers?
Depends on what space you’re operating in. But as a general rule, no, your corp mates will not sit there and watch you mine for hours on end…
so then ill gather alone, in safe areas and sell my stuff for high price, more isk for me
Again, there are no safe areas in EVE. Sure, some are safer than others, but you can be killed in any system in the game by other players, at any time, for any or no reason at all. Your best defense is paying attention and not being AFK…
oh…I already knew THAT…what I mean by me not being PvP is that I don’t do attacks or plunders, I am peaceful farmer that will get my arse out of an area if I see hostile ships inbound
and if anyons farms afk, then they deserve what they get.
True, but it still doesn’t stop them from whining about getting ganked…
Don’t mine in Caldari space and you’ve instantly eliminated 90% of the risk of mining in high sec…
I would never whine, insurance, learn, get better or farm in safer zones even if its less isk worth
Its been so long since I logged on I actually forgot where I last stayed, but I know my orca is 8 jumps away from my hulk, heh
Most EVE players live in high sec, and of those, most live in Caldari space. The higher the traffic, the more likely you are to be targeted.
Ganks in the outer areas of Amarr and Ammatar space are rare, and almost unheard of in Khanid space. The trade-off is that you are very far away from the major trade hubs when it comes time to haul that ore to market.
thank you. this is the kind of information I love. I am not scared of sitting hours upon hours in empty areas farming my ore then transporting it to guild/fleet or clan
I got this RADICAL notion of starting over…but the amount of time and effort I put into gathering the orca and the hulk is overwhelming me…
Yeah I don’t suggest starting over. If you are basically needing to learn how to play again, start up a new alt and go through the tutorial and career agents.
By the way, the current value of the Orca and Hulk you have are 2 billion ISK and 350 million ISK, respectively. And that’s just the cost of the bare hull…