So I have decided to quit eve after a long time on and off, I came back with a view to work towards helping and having fun.
I have noticed how the dynamics of the game game have some what changed to a point where I question is it real open world game/player driven or a poor attempt at a MMORPG game.
The character I have was used for building/ market and pve not so much pvp.
It dose however open the game to the new changes some for the better and some not so, but you cant please every one.
Alliances now are more so about the numbers filling the pockets of the players already at the top end, if your a new player you are told where you can and cant mine/rat and other activities when u question this you are told you accept this is as its how the game is.
We can debate this till the cows come home as I use a rouq ect and worked well with alliances with this account and main and am no new player lol but have seen how new players are treated in big alliances now days.
Skill points – so if u have a character with lets say 50m/sp less or more you could use a skill injector – extract some skill sell it pay for your game time – and retrain that skill up – repeat – free game time,with in that month u would have trained that skill back up to max and a few others.
High-sec pirate heaven wtf lol concord are so slow to react is like wth are they there for, alpha can easy gang anyone with such a basic fit, its become a no fly zone no matter how tanked you are.
I have spent a day looking at kill mail to see how much u can make from this – its in the trillions.
Again MMORPG – pve / high sec hhmm
conclusion – get 2 or 3 accounts or team up in small gank/ hit high sec yes u will lose ur ship but u will scan a ship / decided the worth/ gank it, while 1 collects the loot and ur good for a few billion in drops – should take less then 10min
use an alts or if u have 1 pc suck some skill out sell then use isk to buy plex = free game time
u can can say dont fly solo or tank better or dont use high sec or this or that – truth is tho I have given 2 examples on how to beat eve with so much ease.
I believe with the sale of eve last year to dessert online pearl abyss for $425 is a massive indication how now the dynamics have changed and with the lack of players obtaining subscriptions due to the new dynamics enabling free game time hhmm I wonder that outcome.
I also have to say I think its fair play how ganking in high sec is now and skill sucking for free game time if its there use it or take it
and im fully aware its always been ganking in high sec – but like I said I played a fair few years more so then most and its never been to the level its now at.
So thanx for the good times and im lucky to have enjoyed the game when it was at its best 10 years ago. and yes i do think is is on last legs and yes ppl will say its been said 101 times from 2005 ect but now we saw the sale of eve so whats next apart from free game time and easy isk as i mentioned.