One-line Bad Idea thread continued

Posting on the forums decloaks you in the game.


You have a chance of being insta podded when your ship gets destroyed because one of the crew got there first

Social media sharing links on killmails.

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SP for undock.

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Triglavians can only deal and receive damage that are multiples of 3.

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I want a Trig ship that can only deal and receive damage that are multiples of 3 with 2 dice.

I dont know if someone already shared but cant hold it lol

You need to jump IRL to fuel your jump drive.

EVE sound only mode.

EVE text only mode.

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Give marshall blueprint for 10.000.000 ship spin in station

Triglavian Titan modeled after the ship from 1979 Asteroids.

Titan doomsday weapon that creates new wormholes.

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DEV made content in sandbox game

Bounties on asteroids.

Having the ability to anchor billboards with a custom message

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Actually this is a good idea…

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Banana and turtle shell dispensers.

Cheat coupons that allows users one time access to debug features on the production server.

Miners can buy a license that stops them from getting ganked in high sec