Open Letter to CCP

Some Capsuleers though may not like the lows that can be felt when the hype turns out to be just a fizzled firecracker.

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I agree with this.

meh, you’re just salty because you can’t kill a mile-long brick with a single destroyer.

With a single anything, actually.

I have use antidote to correct spelling and grammar, but it’s not enought i think sorry.

And i hope CCP will also read the full letter.

If you want to rewrite it in French and mail it to me, I will translate it and send it back to you. I’m fluent in both languages with over 20 years of experience in translation.

I agree with this :

As it is, most English natives will not give it a chance due to it being hard to understand, full of grammar and spelling mistakes… It’s very tedius to read as well as it is LONG.

I will post a throw-away e-mail address if you decide to have me translated it… Or you can contact me in-game also. It will give me an excuse to log into EVE Online once again.

If you want CCP and/or Perl Abyss to read it, it has to be well written at least.

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So i will gve you anexcuse to connect (but not just after this message, i’m at work, and i have a lot of thing to do tooday).

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I haven’t looked at the forms in a couple of years, maybe more, (got hooked on r/Eve). It’s so comforting to me to see that Mr_Epeen is still here and representing.

This must have taken many hours to write. I know I can write a lot when I’m high on weed,
but this is a whole new level of “What are you smoking?” …

And “Naarian” really oozes out of him.

… did anyone actually read through this?

We have far more than rumours to work with.
CCP spread out hints for the future in some way or another
and simple deductions allow for improving precision.

Several times I’ve written it all down …
… not once did I bookmark it. :roll_eyes:

Here’s the condensed version:

  1. Triglavians are here to stay for a long time, if not forever.
  2. We’re getting a more dynamic gaming experience with actual NPC foes.
  3. Triglavians will turn into a playable race eventually.
  4. It will turn into a “Red vs Blue” kind of situation, but for all of EVE.
  5. The NPE will be built around them.
  6. EVE is getting darker again.

At least five of these will definitely come true.

You’re welcome.

It is hard to believe that Triglavians will become a playable race. I cannot envision it and I have never seen any news suggesting it.

Building the NPE around the Triglavians sounds like crazy talk. Trigalvians are for end-game content for bored highsec mission runners. What do they have to do with new players? If anything, the NPE will be rebuilt to purposefully avoid it.

Sorry, I’ve editted it.
You need to change your numbers.

You also need to explain why you believe they’re false,
otherwise I’m not going to bother.

The NPE will definitely be built around fighting against the triglavians …
… and it’s rather unlikely they’d pass on the great opportunity of having new players fight for them.

I was sort of hoping they would, but then again I also hope to one day pat a raccoon.

CCP add some more exemple of what you should avoid to do to make a prosper game.
Did i need to edit the letter ?

Hello Naarian.

The game is even less carebeary than it was the last time.
You’re still suffering from delusions of grandeur, you’re still schizophrenic and you’re still wrong.

Any of your attempts of achieveing anything have yielded exactly nothing …
… and CCP is continuously making this game less carebeary month after month.

The Game.
You’re still losing it.


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You don’t get the point, each time CCP kill eve i win.
Each time i explain why they are bad i win (in real life, so yes maybe you can’t see why i done that).

And you believe they’re killing EVE … because?

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Beacause it’s actually what happen.
Less fast than blackout, but it’s happen.
When you see othe rgame progression under pandamy and Eve one you understand something something go wrong. (and we have a massive war in 0.0 to).

I can’t wait people realiseafter pandemy and war the total player loss.
And read forum some newbro explain why they will not stay on game beacause they need to farm so many time for a poor pvp ship.

What are you basing this “it’s happening” on?

Is there anything I can look at?
Is it login-numbers? Or what?


I seriously never had to farm for my PvP ships. Maybe you are just bad at EVE