Orbit mechanics for improved tactics and academies

Oh really… I’ve been mining my own business and didn’t realize that was nerfed, good to know!


I think that you should able to develop your own orbital pattern much like you can create your own Probe pattern.

For example , your ship is fit with Nos, Hybrids, Webs and Scram. You set your orbit pattern up to fly close enough to the ship to use the NOS and Webs and then adjust the pattern to orbit at a greater distance where you are then able to use long range ammo compared to your short range ammo.

You would be able to adjust the orbit pattern as well to avoid taking damage from enemy fire.

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While that may work against NPC ships, it won’t work against another player.

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FYI, RE: Shield balancing, I was most likely mixing things from multiple games on that one. There are still reasons for tactical patterns, just not that one :slight_smile:

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