Yea, I think they want to look at all the mining ships.
I don’t know what CCP will do, but personally I’d say:
- Orca/Porpoise/Rorqual → currently competing as miner with mining ships in certain scenarios, which I think is an issue. Nonzero yield is fine, but should not be competitive - nerf solo mining, buff fleet support capabilities as compensation
- Procurer/Skiff → fine, has unique role
- Covetor/Hulk → fine, has unique role
- Retriever/Mackinaw → lacking a distinct role - give a better defined unique role
- Venture, Endurance → fine
- Prospect → ore mining yield gap between frigates and barges is large → slightly buff ore yield to almost close gap, otherwise fine
These are my suggested changes. But people may be disagreeing with me or have other ideas. What CCP will do, nobody knows yet.