Isk received. Transfer initiated.
Confirming I am for sale as per my eve-mail to you.
isk and acc info sent
Isk received. Transfer initiated.
Confirming I am for sale as per my eve-mail to you.
isk and info sent
Confirming I am for sale as per my eve-mail to you.
isk and info sent
I attempted to send the character over but I kept getting this message when trying to transfer “Target user is already involved in a character transfer.” How long until the other transfer is complete so I can send this character over?
Confirming I am for sale as per my evemail to you.
did you sent the char before to an other person? or do they mean my account is involved? Because some days ago i reiceived 2 chars at the same account without problems…
isk and info sent, pls respond, because of one error…
Eve mail sent.
Ingame mail sent with New account info
Isk received. Transfer initiated.
Worked with that account the character transfer has been initiated.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Millennial
Will be completed after: 4/1/2018 12:53:11 AM
If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.
Thank You,
Isk received, transfer initiated.
Confirming I am for sale as per evemail.
Isk and info sent
Confirming I am for sale as per evemail.