What the topic says basically. Been away for ten years, curious what it’s worth.
Keep in mind, while I might consider selling the Malice I did a PC on in a few months if I can find a use for the ISK, this ship is more of a passion project and I can’t imagine anyone would be willing to pay what It’d take to make me part with it. So don’t get your hopes up, I’m just looking for a PC so I know what my net worth is and I think it’s good to inform the eve community that one of these historical artefacts live on in my hangar.
That would make me a trillionaire space-pirate in terms of net worth (excluding characters of course).
That is the coolest thing I have ever been able to say about myself in any game ever.
Let’s ignore the fact that being a trillionaire probably isn’t that special anymore, that is unimportant. So say I, Jonny 101. Trillionaire space-pirate.