Permadeath mode?

It would be cool if they gave us a fourth “special” clone on each account that had a SP cap of 10mil and trained 10x faster but couldnt’ extract it’s own skills or be transferred or anything else that perma died.

They could call it the Psi Clone Ψ-clone

It would have a special portrait border so everyone knew it a was a Ψ-clone in local/overview (not d-scan). They would be a little more dangerous in w-holes.

Of course this option would be available for omega accounts only and be restricted from unintended things like haulers/freighters etc. Unable to take contracts and the like. Basically a pure ballz to the wallz PvP permadeath alt that trained alongside your main (didn’t overlap with training time). Would be a lot of fun.

Valhalla Clone! Probably would be fun for RP’ers too lol. Instead of permadeath, it could simply reset skill points to 0, technically allowing the clone to “resurrect” lorewise.

It’s eternal life as long as the servers are running, and if they stop there is no (EvE) life to worry about. If the empires are in dire financial straights in 10 years I’ll be happy to bail them out with a reasonable return loan -.- Capsuleers already have more cash than they do most likely.

You can biomass your toon if you get podded, thus achieving the same result.

It takes a few days to train up a suicide ganking catalyst. Imagine the tears if they start perma-killing retrievers! Soon there wouldn’t be a miner left in the game!

:dragon_face: :skull_and_crossbones: Why do you say “forever” like it is a bad thing?

the idea you pay $20 for a character always suspect is retarded, I can just have a gank catalyst and go ganking permadeath guys all day than as they start out

Yeah as previously stated, this is a poor idea. The game is already too set in it’s ways to just all of a sudden try to find a new trend.

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