Personal Assets item location inside ships?

Does this button work for searching for items in the cargo hold of your ships in your hangar?

Example- a BPO left in an interceptor?

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Me thinks not.

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I don’t think it does, but can not confirm right now.
Out of game asset tools WILL do that though.
I know for sure that EveMon and the iPhone app Neocom II show assets in cargo holds

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The NeoCom App found my long lost BPO in a ship cargo hold in an obscure system- The in-game Personal Assets search did not.

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Glad that worked for you.
Missing BPO’s suck

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i’ll delete this if i’m wrong, but im sure that in personal assets, you can see cargo contents of a ship.
Edit: You can look at the contents and cargo of a ship through personal assets, and search that way in the cargo for whatever you are missing.

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You can look specifically, but the “Search” function in Personal Assets does not seem to find them. Meanwhile, the same search function does find items in your hangar containers, according to my brief test.

I suppose this also means that items in ships do not count to your estimated wealth as displayed by your ingame character sheet.

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