PI Question

The extractor drill you can move, yes, the extractor factory itself, no, it cannot be moved around.
The smaller the size of the ‘bubble’ on the drill head the faster cycling it does meaning it extracts faster but uses up the materials on that site faster, the larger the bubble the extraction process is slower but the materials have a chance to recover and the site lasts longer and won’t burnout leaving you with lower yield and eventually a site giving you 70 or 100% will end up being being half that because the site can’t recover.
In other words it is better (in my opinion), to have the largest bubble with maybe 2 heads (in high sec), over the site and just collect my materials about every 3 days.

Your reply does not answer the question I had, does the number in routes show the maximum output yes or no? Because if the answer is yes, then what happens to the materials that are extracted more than that theoretical max output?


any reason why you would have to use a factory planet in hisec with higher duties and the problem of flying in huge amounts of P0 each day?

My WH setup is extraction planets (2 ECUs maxed and 2 Launchpads - extracts 2-3m units per day) and factory planets (7 advanced for P1->P2 plus 14 Basic for P0->P1 and one launchpad and 1 storage).

The routine is as follows - undock Epthal, warp to deep safe, cloak up, export P0 and restart ECUs or export P2, uncloak and warp to extraction planets to fetch P0, divide into 1m units, warp to factory planets and import 1m of each P0 and fetch P2).

Rinse and repeat.

When I have got enough P2 and there is a hisec exit close to Jita, I load up my DST to sell and get some shiny stuff back to the WH.

Takes 45-60mins for 3 chars, nets north of 100m a day.


Well in that case keep on trucking, you’re game plan is working great, I had logistical nightmares trying to work them out in null space.
The Corp didn’t really have a real good logistical plan, but also PI was given very low priority for space in a JF, so it just piled up too quickly and made me just leave it alone eventually I just stopped doing PI till I got back into high sec, since then I never looked back because a Corp needs to have logistics Dept that helps it’s members otherwise depending on where you live it makes all ones effort pointless as you sit on piles of inventory but can’t profit.

Some of good advice i got when expanding my colonies:

Build storage/extra launch pad as buffer for flooding from extraction facility. Do this once you start doing PI in null or WH. The planets provide huge amount stuff to extract.

If you want better yield. Use single extractor per planet. Meaning, you only extracting one type of P0 product per planet and convert it to P1. Its because extractor takes up many CPU. this will sacrifice convenience tho.

When you going all in, make one toon have lv 5 in IC and CCU and become a factory character for your whole PI accounts.

Yield is always the opposite spectrum of Convenience. Huge yield and maintaining each day, or maintain once each week with much decreased yield. Each of them have different setup. Find the balance you like between them.

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