After the last patch changes to the ship industry I decided to move from simple P0 → P1 PI to different high manufacturing tiers. I noticed different issues in the gameplay mechanics including the UI concepts. To improve it here’s my suggestions:
Let users grant names to Launchpads and Storage Facilities. This is so important when it’s required to set up high tier manufacturing like: P1 → P2 → P3, P2 → P3, P3 → P4. This is a scenario with two or three importing Launchpads and an exporting one. It’s hard to remember that DC-1TU Launchpad (for example) is required for Biocells and when it’s empty we have to open the PI UI and check the correct node based on created routes. Also user defined names/aliases are very important when installing such production. A scenario when it’s required to link the incoming and outgoing routes for 18 Advanced Industry Facilities between 4 Launchpads.
Improve the install route UI. Currently it requires too many clicks. It should open a Storage item UI overlay to let us Drag-and-Drop it over each facility or to grab an item and install a route with right mouse click over each facility. Currently after each Create Route command the Storage is resets and we have to click on the storage icon every time.
Downgrade Expedition Transfer Cooldown. This cooldown is way too high after transferring goods between Launchpads and Storages. It’s very important for different P0 → P1 setups to balance the load between different storages in a long run process. Such a long cooldown makes no sense.
Needs more options to Sync the manufacturing process. For P1 → P2 → P3 setup it’s hard to pair all facilities (like 4 → 2 → 1) on medium or big planets. Usually it will turn into a setup like 3 → 2 → 1 or 4 → 1 → 1 to fit into enough CPU and PWG, which will ruin the cycle flow and lead to production residues.
It will be nice to add new PI skills and Supportive Facilities. For example, on Barren and Temperate planets it’ll be nice to install some Solar Power Plants to increase a bit PWG at the cost of CPU or vice versa to install some Data Centers to increase a bit CPU at the cost of PWG. On Storm planets it would be nice to install some Wind Farms.
A better tax concept. I did a little investigation and on many POCOs the tax is relatively high, considering the lack of high-tier components for Capital ship production. As I know, many low-sec and null-sec players aren’t interested in doing PI. And on almost all Low-Sec POCOs the tax value is set between 10-25%, while on many WH POCOS the tax values will vary from 3% to 100%. I didn’t find good POCOs to produce the most requested components, so I began to produce few less important components for my industry production.
Increase the Launchpad’s storage. (updated) The current 10k m3 is too small for hi-tier PI. It would be nice to have it set at 20k m3 or at least 15k m3. We can’t install more than 4 Launchpads on a planet. I want to set the production cycle period to 3 days or 5 days by increasing the storage size and decreasing the production quantity. It can be partially implemented with Storages, but the Expedition Transfer Cooldown ruins the entire concept while importing stuff.
It’s funny that named Launchpads were suggested many times back in the day and after the last PI patch it was not implemented, but instead some color rebalance was added. To implement these suggestions requires only a wrench to change parameters. Pls, make PI less tedious…