Weekly Liberty #6
A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.
Past Week(s) & Next Week
We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):
High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.
New moon rocks will pop on:
- Tue 2024/06/04 23:30 EVE time.
- Thu 2024/06/06 12:00 EVE time.
- Fri 2024/06/07 17:00 EVE time.
Warning: There have recently been ganks in system, targeting high value miners. Think twice before using a (too) high value mining ship there. And make sure that whatever you do bring is tanked up.
Homefront Ops
Last Wednesday 2024/05/29 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Succesfully completing multiple ops. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.
Next Wednesday 2024/06/05 we may head out again around 18:00, depending on how the “low risk high Isk” event goes (see below).
WH Cleaning Services
Last Friday one of our fleets cleaned up some abandoned structrures in wormholes.
Next Saturday 2024/06/08 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out again to take out the trash.
Low Risk, High Isk
This Wednesday 2024/06/05 starting 16:30 EVE time, Erebor is organising a mining fleet in the wormhole. Bring your best PVP ship preferably shield tanked. If not best mining ship shield tanked if not skilled for pvp.
Ask tilmpy about what kind of ship to bring or if you need one to fly. Use a jump clone to protect your implants. It will be a no risk situation for huge mining gains, Serious protection will be provided for the miners. Preferably bring your pvp ships over your mining ones if you have them.
Our Weekly zKill
According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 7 (-3) kills with a total worth of about 197M ISK, or 13 (-37) points. And we are considered 7% (-12%) dangerous.
Being in the wormhole
A friendly reminder that when you enter our (industrial) wormhole, you should be in the standing fleet (see Fleet Finder in Fleet) to make sure all alliance members in the wormhole know of each other’s presence. And if there is no Standing Fleet you can start one. Also it would be appreciated if you join the alliance Discord wormhole comms in order to be able to quickly respond to threats in the wormhole.
Also, suggestions to nickname the wormhole, for easier reference, are welcome. First suggestion: Holly.
New Holly Station
Cogswell Material Solutions has deployed a new staion in Holly. An Athanor, currently offering compression. With more to follow.
This was our weekly Liberty