Welcome fellow Pilots,
P I R A T are going to be opening their recruitment for players who wish to experience the MERC life.
P I R A T are looking for the following ESSENTIAL criteria:
- Guardian and/or basi ALT. This toon HAS to be on a separate account and has to be flown next to your main,
- Pilots keen to represent the MERC life. There are hunting contracts that need your focus. Citadel contract that require you to join fleets.
- Community and team work focused. We do NOT want solo pilots, but people who will log in, join the fleet and get involved in the team.
- Activity. Within the first 2 months trial we need to see you active and involved in the team. Failure to do so will see you removed from the Alliance.
If interested please mail / PM : Natural CloneKiller
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Up for the week. Lets see who is keen to join the vision we have for PIRAT.
This is ideal for those of you who like to fly bling ships in small scale skirmishes. If you like pvp only this is a fun place to be.
Recruitment status is open pending all criteria met.
Recruitment is still open for EU. Just mail me in game. Criteria above applies.
We also join in with blues for wormhole content. Come join the fun if you meet the requirements.
Contact me in game for further information
We are some of the best looking guys going!
On serious note, we are a great community of friends and PVPers, we have meets in real life and attend Eve events when possible.
We aren’t all Eve focused and play all sorted of other games together.
So if your looking for a friendly, competitive group to have fun with this is the place for you!
EU recruitment is open. Mail me in game.
Contact me in game if you meet the requirements.
How much do you pay?
I mean mercenaries get paid right?
Welcome fellow Pilots,
P I R A T are going to be opening their recruitment for players who wish to experience the MERC life.
P I R A T are looking for the following ESSENTIAL criteria:
- Guardian and/or basi ALT. This toon HAS to be on a separate account and has to be flown next to your main,
- Pilots keen to represent the MERC life. There are hunting contracts that need your focus. Citadel contract that require you to join fleets.
- Community and team work focused. We do NOT want solo pilots, but people who will log in, join the fleet and get involved in the team.
- Activity. Within the first 2 months trial we need to see you active and involved in the team. Failure to do so will see you removed from the Alliance.
If interested please mail / PM : Natural CloneKiller
Join us if you like:
P I R A T We offer the following services.
- War Declaration. We will war dec a target and hunt them.
- Protection services. We can protect your citadels and assets. Join our protection program.
- Citadel attack. We will take down the target citadel (s).
- Trade hub. We will ensure your enemy is attacked near the main trade hubs.
- War assists. If someone attacks you, we will assist and use diplomacy to have the war ended or assist and fight for you.
A list of diplomatic contacts:
Natural CloneKiller
Tiran Taranovich
Cesare Paciotti
Lord Alarik
Join us if you like this sort of thing!
Welcome to PIRAT,
When it comes to the High Sec merc life, there is no one better.
P I R A T are going to be opening their recruitment for players who wish to experience the MERC life.
P I R A T are looking for the following ESSENTIAL criteria:
- Guardian and/or basi ALT. This toon HAS to be on a separate account and has to be flown next to your main,
- Pilots keen to represent the MERC life. There are hunting contracts that need your focus. Citadel contract that require you to join fleets.
- Community and team work focused. We do NOT want solo pilots, but people who will log in, join the fleet and get involved in the team.
- Activity. Within the first 2 months trial we need to see you active and involved in the team. Failure to do so will see you removed from the Alliance.
If interested please mail / PM : Natural CloneKiller
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