Pirate Faction Warfare - The awoxing problem needs to be addressed

I hope there is a CSM that is familiar with faction warfare and can understand the problem here.

Awoxing in pirate FW is a big problem and I don’t understand why this isn’t being fixed.

The problem is the penalty for awoxing can be avoided completely by creating a dedicated corporation to join the pirate militia and populate it with free alpha accounts that have +0.01 standing with Guristas or Angel Cartel which can be easily obtained by completing one mission. This allows awoxers to kill friendly militia with impunity and never have to worry about being kicked out of the militia and take the time to fix their standing.

Because faction warfare allows corporations to enlist based on corporation standing, a certain amount of players can remain in the militia with a -10 personal standing to the specific militia so long as the average corp standing to a pirate militia remains above -2 standing.

For example, If one member has -10 standing to Guristas and 4 members have .01 standing with Guristas, then the average corporation standing is -1.9, therefore, allowing the -10 standing to guristas player remain in the militia and attack any Guristas without penalty. The more +0.01 standing characters, the more -10 standing characters can remain in the militia to freely awox without penalty.

It’s possible to have ten -10 guristas standing characters in a 50man corp and those 10 characters will remain in the militia if the other 40 members are above 0.0 standing. This can be easily achieved by populating it with free alpha characters and completing 1 level 1 mission on each.

Increasing the standing penalty for awoxing won’t solve anything, so what is the solution?

  1. The best solution is to remove corporation standing from the equation and require personal standing only.

  2. If the above cannot be done, then raise the required standing to join pirate militia to 0.0 instead of -2. This won’t solve the problem, but will make it harder for corporations to remain in the militia with -10 standing players. They won’t be able to easily dilute the negative standing with newly created alpha characters.

  3. Last resort solution if none of the above are considered. Create a debuff, a retribution timer lasting 24 hours, on any member that attacks friendly militia. This debuff doesn’t disappear if their ship is destroyed. If they attack again with this debuff, the timer is refreshed.

4 Alpha characters can not positively boost the standing of a corp in guristas fw (But this wont happen)

DO SOMETHING CCP. Fix this problem. Figure it out.


I dont think pirate awoxxers are the only “problem” considering it happens in empire

I disagree #3 which was initially not allowing alphas to contribute to corp standings

Edit since OP thinks the above statement was about ganking. I was referring to empire FW has awoxxing problems as well.

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Removed. Sorry for the mistake.

Where the f did i say ganking? Empire as in empire FW.

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This will only cause the alpha characters to do the awoxing.

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Alpha characters are welcome to try they will get wrecked.
but well trained chars cannot sit behind perfectly safe -10, let it scale down to -200 and drag the corp down with it.

ah true that. i removed the suggestion.

I agree, empire fw is a problem too.

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