Planting a seed of destruction leads to TTT Destroyed

But Destiny has found a nice little niche where she can highsec gank by exploiting the wardec ally system and thus get round all the N+1 stuff. All she has to do is sit in Amarr station in a Kronos and have a scout looking out for war targets. This then gets heralded as amazing PvP play…way better than all those 40 man F1 monkey blobs that ‘never ever encounter any resistance’.


You are missing the point

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Yeah… it’s honestly sort of ridiculous that you can have 10 sebod officer fit vargurs sitting on the jita undock blapping anything that doesn’t have instant undocks or dock BMs.

Idk, the whole concept of paying off concord to basically just gank unsuspecting players is silly. I’m all for Pvp, but as it stands hi sec war decs are old crusty veterans in 5b ships erasing people who mis click. The whole system needs to be redone.

Also, bring back bounties…


Which is wierd because I havent lost a hauler in years, and not for want of others trying.

Im really not sure why suddenly youve a bee in your bonnet about this, but I dont think its ever going to be removed.

I think complaining about such a minor thing years after its use has become standard says that youve probably run out of topics to discuss and, as I always recommend, the forums can be closed because there is no topic left that hasnt been debated pointlessly over and over.


It’s like you’re an old married couple who’s been arguing about the same stuff for 20 years but there’s some new updates and new* expansions that probably need Forum space to address whatever comes up still I do agree with your sentiment

But they don’t…and your comparison is absurd. There is considerable difference between standard cloak and covert ops cloak…

  1. Cloak/MWD only really works at all with the Improved Cloaking Device, which uses a fair bit of CPU and is obviously also taking up a high slot that something else could occupy. So even just to fit a ship for cloak/MWD involves a penalty.

  2. The Improved Cloaking Device comes with scan resolution penalties that apply even when it is not switched on. Covert Ops cloaker does not.

  3. The Improved Cloaking device comes with a massive speed penalty ( 75% ) that applies when it is on. The Covert Ops cloaker does not.

  4. You cannot warp while the Improved Cloaking Device is active. You can with the Covert Ops cloaker

  5. The Improved Cloaking Device comes with a much larger sensor calibration time after de-cloaking…meaning one cannot lock anything. It is a much shorter time period for the Covert Ops cloaker.

So where is this emulation of functionality ? At every stage there is a penalty for the standard cloaker vs the Covert Ops one.


the trick is borderline exploit but if ccp removes it it will do more harm to the game than good

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It wont make a difference to me, I dont fit my haulers or battleships to use exploits.
Why? because im a vegan and i vibrate at higher frequencies than others which makes me morally and spiritually superior. I eat non-gmo glutton free avocado toast that was grown ethically so i gain divine intelligence stemming from the super conscience mind of plants giving me a direct connection to inter-demensional reality and will not die until im at least 150 years old. :eggplant:


Welcome to Earth. Hope you didn’t encounter any Klingons on the way from Vega.


TTT was destroyed because CCP ordered the Goons to blow it up. Just like they ordered them to kill Niarja. They scratch CCP’s back and CCP scratches theirs by making all in-game policy to their benefit. You know they had the TTT monument ready to go before they even announced the structure changes.


Do you ever stop to think about the things that come out of your mouth, or is just like a freeway from the bad take part of your brain to your lips?


Are you saying CCP profits from all the destruction they engineer? Say it ain’t so.

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What we have now is a level of corruption that puts BoB to shame. Id love to write down why and how thats happening but honestly I dont want to end up banned. If you know me in game. im not quiet about it and have been saying it since 2015 or so.

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was the TTT destruction pre-arranged with CCP?

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People saying theres stuff going on but iffer no smoking gun , go snowden or like some other whistle blowers im sure the tech savy people here have their techy ways of recording documenting and exposing said corruption or activities.
Usually it gets dropped after people are done using each other to their own advantages, like i said these are the same people able to read secret info off a lwebpage screenshot leaked and do background checks on newbros who want to join their corps, so i expect it to be leaked eventually but i will say i personally love ccp devs play in game and fly and kill us usually incognito, that they care and enjoy their product allows insight first hand, unlike input from biased corp reps elected to represent the interest of mega blocks, also im sure arguments can be made for or against, ive played other games where devs didn’t have skin in game it sucks, game sucked.
Accusations should come w proof. General Accusation w the past as said proof is lazy.

I dont think so, I think its been brewing for months in nullsec as the war against PH and friends was turning against them. Im an outsider in that war but the logical end was the idea to take control of Peri and Ashab imo. The nullsec leaders who turned against and refused to take part in TTT stated they did it for the health of the game and I believe it. CCP are the ones who created the pathway for TTT to exist and they actively changed game mechanics over a period of years to facilitate it. Id consider the destruction if TTT as a revolt against what CCP wanted and put in place. What they want is PH to control most of the game and highsec to be used as a tax utopia. The players simply wont accept it… even if it took them years to finally see the light. I also think that once CCP knew that TTT and PH was going to fall, they decided that if PH cant have it, no one can have it. And this is why they decided to remove Keepstars and Soityos with the goal to devalue the remains. Months ago when they spoke about scarcity and people having too many capitals… they meant Goons had too many capitals. They did all they could to weaken them and it failed. Im not a nullseccer, but this is how I read it and I could be wrong but I follow the money and money talks. They did a 180 on that scarcity now also. The fact the CCP actively facilitates advantages for particular groups, i find to be disgusting. They should be a neutral third party with the health of the entire game in mind. We will see the true intentions of those null leaders who made this happen soon enough. The inevitable will happen all over again as long as war HQs exist but the next time it will be easier to destroy and the top positions have simply shifted to a better man who has at least earned it instead of had it handed to him on a silver platter.

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Noooooooooooooooooo , Cloak Jumping is smart, and many people do not do it right, or get lazy and just don’t do it… there is no shortage of victims in this game, You just have to pick the correct victim next time.

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I got blown up by an epic gate camp last night. But i sold the kill rights because thats what I do

Cool story.

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This is true , why in all the system that flipped did Goon’s suddenly take an interest in Niarja , right at the end almost the last battle , we almost held it and the goon’s showed up.

Now there is nothing wrong with CCP wanting there map to look a certain way or removing the TTT but stop using Goon’s, it’s a long running game think of ways to add to the storyline to make stuff happen .

Just ask why they stopped at the TTT and now owners are consolidating what’s left , if it was about war they would have removed the lot and taken way PL and fraternity’s isk supply.