Planting a seed of destruction leads to TTT Destroyed

Years ago, the seed was planted.

Delusions of grandeur.


It was foretold generations ago…

“It shall come to pass, when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, that all the people shall shout with a great shout; then the wall of the city will fall down flat.”

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I dont think he understands how the things work. and btw, that war has been going on since citadels were announced and the trade cartels have existed before that. Im not sure how you think a post in 2020 matters. You must be from nullsec and think thats all that exists… same as CCP.


High Sec.

OP’s vibes:



Dwayne Johnson hype

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Who we have to thank is the general population for revolting against such bad ideas as peace agreements, tax farms, and war hqs. We can directly thank Goons and other alliance leaders who rejected the ISK they were offered and took the path of war for the health of the game (or simply didnt defend the TTT). When issues exist ina business, it all comes down to management. CCP created the problem and imo actively assisted them. And if thats not true, they apparently have zero clue about the game they manage. CCP I give you respect that you have earned and we all love this game, but i gotta call you out for being at the heart of the problems we face. Stop pandering to null sec. Treat highsec as its own end-game and be a neutral third party when it comes to differences between these factions of the game. Stop creating game mechanics like war hqs to simply further your incorrect agenda. Walk back on your removal of Soityo’s in highsec and dont let your pride hold you back from knowing when you made a bad decision. Or at least begin to gather more info on what changes will do the game beyond simply asking nullblocks what they think.

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I don’t think they’ll ever get rid of the war HQ system. They want to have something in place to prevent more than a token number of wars being declared, and have already proven that they’re completely fine with single groups holding monopolies on various game activities.

I’m also leaning toward the opinion that only medium-sized structures should be allowed in high-sec at all. Anything bigger only leads to the centralization of power and money that’s been breaking high-sec for the past half-decade. Just look at previous hot spots like Rens, Hek, and Dodixie; nearly devoid of life and activity. Amarr is barely holding on, and the only reason it is is because it feeds like 40% of all null-sec space. This isn’t good for the game.

There’s a lot more to fix too that will probably never be touched, like for example the MWD/cloak exploit. Just had a case an hour ago where an enemy Leshak used it to avoid an engagement. Ships like heavy battleships, traveling without a scout at that, shouldn’t possess a PvP opt-out mechanism in empire space, which is only able to be countered by fielding additional accounts using very specific setups, or covering the gate with so many allies that cloaking becomes impossible. The presence of such mechanics trivializes the use of ships intended specifically for safer travel, like the game’s covert ops variants, and also discourages the good kind of PvP engagements where a small-scale fight can occur by shoehorning players into needing to field numbers big enough to simply gang-bang any enemy out of existence.

The sacking of TTT is a very, very minor win in a decade-long string of losses for the game.


It’s not an exploit, you just don’t like it.


That’s right, I don’t like any game mechanic that creates the need for massive numerical superiority as the sole counter-play option.

Besides, the only reason it’s “not an exploit” is because it hasn’t been labeled as such by the owners. Evaluating the game mechanic in isolation, based purely on its own merits, shows all signs of it possessing characteristics that qualify it for exploit status in a similar way to how other game mechanics with similar characteristics are deemed to be exploits. Players simply resort to an appeal-to-authority argument to defend its existence, because they like using this game mechanic because it keeps them safe, and doesn’t force them to be committed to PvP engagements in circumstances whereby for all intents and purposes they should.


It’s not an exploit at all. It’s really align/cloak/mwd …and the core of it is simply being able to re-cloak after losing the stargate cloak due to aligning. And why not ?

None of that is an exploit. It is working as intended…its not an exploit to be able to cloak at a gate, whether arriving at one or leaving one. Things seem to become ‘exploits’ in the game if there’s some mechanic someone doesn’t like.

One could argue that creating undock bookmarks is an ‘exploit’ and circumvents the ‘intended’ docking procedure. But its another of those things ( like cloak/mwd ) that is so widely used that it has become a fundamental part of the game.


That’s more of a bad game design issue because EVE has no collision damage. If it did, players wouldn’t be able to warp themselves into large objects without suffering consequences.

Anyway, a very simple solution would be to deactivate all active modules the moment a cloak is turned on (with the exception of ones that are specially made to work during cloaking, like warp core stabs). I see no reason why something like a MWD should work for a full cycle if activated a nanosecond before the cloak is, while not being able to be activated a nanosecond after. This should’ve been fixed way back in 2004, right after they disallowed stacking as many prop mods as you had mid slots.

But I get it, anyone utterly reliant on this as a PvP avoidance mechanism is going to argue against it like their life depends on it, because, well, it does.


One minute you are complaining because massive N+1 blobs can show up and destroy a station. And the next you are complaining because an individual…without any blob…can escape from you. Hmm…you seem to have somehow arrived at the conclusion that anything that gives anyone more power than you is an ‘exploit’.


See, that’s a perfect example of a straw man argument. You created an argument I never made, and have falsely attributed it to me.

So let me make it clear: I’m against this game mechanic because its only viable form of counter-play is to use overwhelming odds (whether by covering the gate with ships, or fielding a squad of specialized de-cloakers/boosters/tacklers, or what have you). This is perfectly in line with all of my other anti-N+1 positions that I’ve consistently expressed. That targets can escape from me isn’t a motivator for me taking this position. I’m actually doing very well for myself catching these players (which you can see for yourself); just in the past week or so, I’ve killed 3 haulers (2 of them being DSTs), had 1 ejection, and 1 ransom, for gains in the billions of ISK. I’ve also lost a few targets (including a Rattlesnake) because of game crashes (I suspect the new weapon effects).

I don’t believe that ships that can’t use covert ops cloaking devices should be able to emulate their functionality so trivially. Especially heavy combat ships that shouldn’t possess such levels of tactical agility. Likewise, I don’t think that gameplay mechanics like using fighters to de-cloak targets should exist either. That screams of absolutely dogshit defeatism on CCP’s part because they can’t design an equitable rock-paper-scissors avoidance system, and are forced to keep the nonsensical exploit-tier counter to balance their nonsensical exploit-tier design oversight from 20 years ago.


It only took 2 major groups not to take money from it anymore.

Yet… of all (20+)the groups that wardecced the TTT. Just two or 3 showed up because most people in EVE or the forums are just text on a page. Or will not move a muscle unless somebody bigger does it so they can be there.

I can assure you now. If Goons and Horde was tier 1 benefactors, Frat and B2 tier2 and test was removed. It would still be there.


You had no impact.


Frostpacker was there

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You sounds like every other carebear ever crying about gankers and ppvers killing them being hackers and exploiters, probably botters and alpha multiboxers too!