Plato - DOB May 12, 2003 - 24mil SP - Minmatar PvP Focus

DOB May 12, 2003

Empty clone in Jita

Wallet will be empty at sale and some random assets are included.

I started my eve career playing with this toon when I was in my early teens… I’m in my mid thirties now

He deserves a good home!

Thanks for looking.





Regarding to character bazaar rules pilot which you link should confirm in this thread that he is for sale.

sure, I’ll jump on and post from the toon tonight


I am for-sale

19.5 offer still stands for 12h

20 bil

I already bid 20 but will raise to 20.5 online now Isk ready

Thank you guys for the bids! I am going to keep the auction open as bids are still trickling in.


How much to B/O today? I like the toon, crappy kill board but I will fix that… He will be in good hands with me!!


Character is still for sale!

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