PLEX is very expensive right now thread

Thats the reason PLEX prices are going down:

Players need ISK for war and liquidate some of their hoarded PLEX.

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Fancy that. its almost like war is good for the health of a pvp game. and that the long stretch of peace was having a negative impact on the economy.

the last major conflict was what… the casino wars almost 2 years ago now? (that little skirmish in the south earlier this year hardly counts)

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Yes. During peace time, players have not much stuff to replace, which means they will invest their extra ISK in PLEX.

I hope this war lasts for a while because in the long term its really bad for the ingame economy when the nullbears are just farming and hoarding all day long.

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Wow you really CAN’T just let people determine for themselves how they spend their money can you?

You are more zealous at preaching what people should do with their money than a telemarketer selling weight loss products.


This is the same as the “I have free speech” whine you get from people when tell them the truth. The truth is you are free to say what ever you like I can’t make you stop. You also can’t make me stop telling everyone who will listen how stupid what you said was (because I got free speech too, not that free speech was ever an issue because free speech means the GOVERNMENT can’t make you stop talking).

I have no control over other people’s lives, nor do you. Pointing out that most EVE players come from rich countries where they probably spend more on junk food or tobacco than on an EVE online subscription is not somehow preventing them from determining how they spend their money, it’s telling them they are stupid for complaining about something that cost an average of 2 American quarters (or one hour of AFK ratting in an Ishtar…) per day.

Same goes for the “I’m in a poor country so CCP needs to lower the price of plex because I can’t afford to both play EVE and feed my Oxen that tries to plow the unfertile lands of my poor country!!!” EVE is a Western game, if you can’t afford western prices you should not play it, same as my Caviar example, which I cannot afford though I hear it’s delicious.

And again, saying people in that situation are being dumb is not the same way as forcing them to not play. Why are you so terrified of simple speech?

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You clearly have no idea about marketing at all, right? Do you aware that Steam sells games to countries such as Ukraine a few times cheaper than to the rich countries such as Germany? Market price is determined by the demand and proposition. Since the proposition is basically unlimitted in this case - it’s all about demand. Saying “if you can’t afford don’t buy it” is the most stupid thing in the world of marketing. What matters in the end is profit. 10 people buying the game with 40 EU price tag is MUCH worse than 100 people buying the same game with 10 EU price tag.


Yes, most of them do that. But with the PLEX prices going up that fast people will start quitting the game because spending hours every day just to be able to continue playing the game is not an option for a lot of players.

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Then they have to quit or even think about plexing every other month by saving, when they have Omega rights they earn as much as they can then try to finish with an Alpha account, then plex for a month etc.

It’s maybe not the best solution but plex aren’t going to suddenly drop to a bil.

But what I and Jenn said still stands, why choose the most expensive game to play if your income doesn’t support it?

BTW, yes Steam sells games at different prices around the world, they DON’T sell EVE subs cheaper, unless CCP has a sale on. Could you imagine Steam selling a monthly sub for half price? Hell I’d sub for a couple of years.

As for players grinding to just pay a sub, well that’s not my idea of a fun way to play, it’s more like a job, not a game.

A lot of them choose to play EVE because it’s possible to play it for free by dedicating part of their time in-game to farming ISK to buy PLEXes. Obviously, right? If that “part of play time” will go up too much they will simply stop because they won’t afford paying 20 EU per account per month and because it’s pointless if whole your play time you’re bound to farm ISK just to buy PLEXs for your accounts. That’s the point.

And what entitles people too poor to afford games to play those games anyway? Go play Minesweeper.

Erm what? Learn 2 English plx.

I know English perfectly well, since it’s my first and only language. Perhaps you need to brush up on yours, though? Let me make it simple for you: buying plex for isk has been, and always will be, a luxury. It is not, and never will be, a right or entitlement. If plex is too expensive for you to buy with isk, then either 1. you grind harder, 2. you enjoy alpha breaks while earning enough isk for your next plex for Omega, or 3. you find a new hobby. Being poor =/= special consideration for playing a game. A game is not a necessity, it is not required to live, it is a luxury for those who can afford such luxuries.

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Did I say anywhere anything about special considerations when it comes to PLEX cost in game? Reading comprehension problems?

#1. CCP doesn’t do that

#2. That’s CCP’s prerogative to not do that. You are not in charge of CCP’s wallet or marketing, so your choices are pay western prices , grind plex or don’t pay and don’t play (or play as an alpha).

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The point is that that is a personal problem, not one anyone else has concerns about.

The big problem with plex from the beginning was that it was too easy to get. CCP didn’t help matters by piling on ever greater isk making activities since 2008 (respawning anomalies, incursions which can eb farmed in high sec, level 5 missions that can be blitzed, burner missions that can generate 200 mil isk worth of LP per hour, the FW rewards revamp and wormholes).

It opened the door to people who basically shouldn’t be playing EVE because they can’t afford it. Thus the “plex is too expensive” whines on forums every other week since 2011.

No matter where you are from, it’s plain stupid to become reliant on a thing that WILL increase in price. And no CCP isn’t going to change what they are doing because intervening would be a giant “■■■■ YOU” to people who buy plex with cash and expect it’s value to be worthwhile.

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What I have seen to this point, CCP (Hilmar to be exact) sold monocles for 70$. Probably just because they though its the correct price for their superb, life changing creations. It doesnt matter what is the potential market or prognosed gains for a software sales or microtransaction, what matters is the pride and courage to make it, and it have to be expressed in price. What matters is that you must have balls. :joy:

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You are really stupid right? It IS CCPs concern how many players pay and how many players play.

Wrong, CCP has no interest in a few players who can’t grind a plex and they aren’t about to crash the price of plex just to appease a few players who can’t afford a sub…nor should they.

Also, if you really are that concerned you could always send them a donation to help them out :slight_smile:

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You are not CCP.

It’s amusing how many clueless people are around… Every Omega clone - EVERY Omega clone is an income for CCP. Even a child should understand that CCP main goal is to have as much income as possible. Just like for any other company on the market.
Logic? Never heard of it?

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