CCP’s genius was in providing a mechanic for whales to pay for others game time in exchange for in-game resources.
The PLEX for cash buyers are just middle men, their numbers aren’t as important economically to CCP as the numbers of those that buy PLEX from the cash PLEX buyers with ISK to use for game time, as those numbers ultimately determine the volume of PLEX bought.
I think it was said somewhere that the player population buying PLEX from CCP is relative constant and quite small. So demand is mostly controlled by the price under fixed supply. So what happens to CCP’s bottom line if more people intend to PLEX their accounts?
Right, in the worst case nothing, and in the best case they gain a new paying subscriber (on top of the sold PLEX!). The new PLEXer has to pay a higher price for the PLEX, which means another PLEXer has to step out because it becomes too expensive … and does what? Buy a subscription, in the best case. If he quits an Omega account nothing changes.
Yeah, CCP makes more money with every player stopping to PLEX and moving to subscription when at the same time they don’t lose a player buying PLEX for cash. Sounds reasonable?
This under the assumption the number of players buying PLEX from CCP has low sensitivity to ISK price. I would not spent 20€ on PLEX for ISK nowadays where 1.5B are that easy to make ingame.
Hoarders and market players are massaging the input PLEX, that’s the only conclusion I can draw based on what I’ve seen of player behaviors and second-hand accounts. The market is being heavily gamed by the established players and they remove all novel content from the game by doing so. The whole “EVE is dying and CCP is fiddling while it burns” meme should be changed to “the big blue donut is eating EVE alive and preventing CCP from making any functional alterations to gameplay to fix the mess”, nor can they really make any significant changes to the game without hamstringing smaller players and barely touching the built-up fortunes of the entrenched.
There is a ton of isk being, the price of plex has to go up through inflation. There is very few broke players. Plus with so many alphas and others able trying to earn PLEx and the eve store sink. The price has to go up. CCP made a good decision to merge PLEX and AUR for ease of spending, I know I wasn’t going to buy anything out of the eve store otherwise.
I don’t think it includes PI, pretty sure it is mostly sleeper blue loot, empire insignia, overseers personal effects, and then all the various trade goods (quafe, spiced wine, long-limbed roes, live stock, janitiors) pretty much all that random loot that doesn’t really have a use other than some npc buy/sell orders. PI used to all be commodities, but CCP removed the npcs buy/sell orders when PI went live
I think this seems quite plausible. I get the general impression there is just too much ISK sloshing around - or rather pooling up - in stored PLEX. Having PLEX as a tradable commodity in small scale units is causing some issues. The other half of the equation - destruction of assets - is also a failing part of the system in that large scale wars aren’t really happening.
So on one side of the formula you have market players hording PLEX driving the price up.
On the other side of the equation you have Alliances sitting in big castles hording their assets.