She paid money for a sub, and got that sub AND a PLEX.
She only paid for the sub. The PLEX cost her nothing, and earned CCP nothing.
She can try to conflate that she paid CCP for the sub because she wanted the PLEX from the Buddy program, but that does not change that all she paid was the cost of a sub, not that of a PLEX, and infact ONLY bought a sub. The PLEX came free, and to a separate account, at no cost to that account.
She can also try to conflate PLEX as a sub, but sub and PLEX are two different transactions with CCP. PLEX may be used to sub, but it is not a sub as purchased from CCP. They are two distinct transactions and also valued differently in CCPs store.
If she had Buddied my alt and I paid a sub, she would have received a PLEX at no fiscal cost to her nor any purchase from CCP, ie:free.
I would have paid for my sub. She would have paid nothing for her PLEX.
This is why the “All PLEX is paid for” myth is false.
Nobody has paid for Buddy PLEX.
All CCP earned, was from the purchase of a sub (or Omega as now).
They never received one cent for the PLEX added to the Buddy.
Yes, its possible that CCP uses confiscated PLEX supply to reward Buddies.
But since we cannot confirm that, it means the myth that “All PLEX is paid for” cannot be shown to be true, and is thus false as an axiom.
You cant pay 0, and call it a payment.
If I pay 0 credits to your account, I have not paid you anything, thus it cant be called a payment, as there was no payment of anything.
Nothing (zero) was paid. Ergo, no payment was made.
Its no different or distinguishable from if I hadn’t “paid” you 0 to begin with.