PLEX prices are directly tied to real-world currency. So yes, real-world inflation does affect PLEX, and here in the United States we are currently experiencing the highest rate of inflation in 40 years…
Having said that, if you want PLEX prices to drop, stop buying it. Everyone. If no one buys PLEX for months on end, they will be forced to lower the price to even get any money coming in at all…
Yes, prices have gone up, not sure that’s an issue though.
In 2010, EVE had more than twice as many active accounts and many more subs. Players online ran around the 50k mark. The total ISK In circulation among active players was around 300 trillion.
In 2024, EVE has 2,200 Trillion ISK circulating between roughly half that player count (fewer if you count ‘actual players’ rather than ‘multiple accounts’). That’s 7 times as much ISK spread across half as many players.
When fewer players with more ISK in their pockets are all chasing a limited supply of Plex, the price goes up. That’s neither CCP manipulation nor speculation, just basic market economics.
Almost a million Plex trades on the market every day. I’ve certainly never seen anything to indicate millions of Plex trading daily in contracts. And where it does, it’s probably more to save on transaction fees and taxes. Do you have any data that supports this “mostly contracts” opinion?
And if chickens had teeth…
not anymore, you can invest i think as of a week or 2 ago in Pearl Abyss at something like $19 a share
Thus tine next year it will be down to 5.2
Watch fur the signs
Siri as dumb as she is she shows me respect when using her to reply to threads
The important part is that plex price will see further decline to help fellow miners plex their accounts.
I will believe that when I see it.
Also, do you have any data on the availability of PLEX? How do you know that PLEX supply is limited?
@Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras That thing is ugly. If I see that for real I run!
Its limited to the number that exist in game, as in there are not infinite sell orders, yes you can always make more by inserting your credit card but the supply of them has an upper limit
I noticed that. Sometimes I have to sell it in two go’s.
So the supply is increased everytime someone buys PLEX from CCP and sells it on the market, right?
The limit depends on how much PLEX is bought with real money, correct?
Trying to understand all that stuff. Very complicated for me.
Yep CCP doesn’t inject PLEX into the game, that is all players who buy it out of game and sell it in game for isk. plexxers then use the bought PLEX to retain game time instead of paying outside the game
Edit: or those who buy plex to use on NES or now SKINR. but yes it all depends on people byying out of game
So your saying I should be putting my plex horde on the market!
To help the economy sometimes I stuff plex into a Corvette and just eject it into space to help the less fortunate.
I like to think of this as trickle down economics.
With regard to private contractual transactions, I would like to make the following remarks:
I am a Chinese gamer, and there are very convenient communication channels between Chinese people, including in-game “中文” channels, and countless groups of more than 1,000 people. In these channels, we only need to communicate and agree on the ratio of plex to isk, and both parties can establish a private contract to avoid market transaction tax.
At least 99% of Chinese players are keen on private contracts.
So you guys are trying to cut out the taxes? That’s kind of smart actually. I never considered that, you figure that way you can still save like an extra 4-600million .
The reason for plex’s price increase:
I think CCP has been discounting Omega time, skill extractors, and HyperCore in the in-game store for the last 3 years, which has upset the supply and demand balance of plex (top-up vs. Omega via PVE).
However, my suggestion is not to ask plex to reduce its price, and some friends may be too one-sided in their assessment on this point.
The point of this advice is that no-cost trading between unknown players encourages speculation on PLEX.
This results in a few large merchants holding large amounts of isk, and small merchants using isk to buy plex instead of doing other trade. While big traders think they will gain by bidding up the isk price, small traders will also reduce production and trade as they spend some of their money on stockpiling plex.
emmm, this may require an analysis of the capital market, but I don’t have the data, the above is just my speculation.
No, I think it’s a bug.
The cost-free approach should be limited to small transactions between close friends.
My proposal has explicitly said to try to tax private plex contracts, or prohibit the use of private contracts to trade plex.
Thank you for explaining that. I don’t think that’s the way it works for us Westerners. We’re not as disciplined and agreeable as you are.
I can see that being the case, it’s plausible.
Don’t pay too much attention to it, it’s just the forum, it comes with the territory.
I will be reading that about 50 times while waiting for a spark of understanding but thank you for communicating it to me.
I’m not really saying anything. I’m just trying to understand.
You should use a hauler… More cubic meters
Maybe one day we’ll be lucky and there will be flood-down economics.
Plex enters EVE when some player decides he wants something (ISK, NES store, SKINR etc.) that can be exchanged for Plex. So at base, it’s limited by “how many players are willing to send real cash to CCP to get something requiring Plex”. This number has been declining for years, for various reasons.
Plex purchased does not always go to the market - sometimes players pick it up on sale for later use. Some people buy it on the market when they have excess ISK and see a dip in Plex prices. Some people trade it regularly as a commodity, some people hoard it, some people set it aside as a store of value/ISKflation hedge. And it’s fairly clear that some large traders/speculators occasionally manipulate the market when supplies are tight and push the price up higher before unloading some for a major profit.
That’s all standard EVE market economics and is player driven, not CCP manipulation.
In the long run (I’ve played EVE almost 2 decades now), “less Plex entering the system” is my opinion due to a number of factors just from my personal observation (too many factors to go into here). However for a “real numbers right now” reference, I check here:
Look at the second chart, Order Item Quantity. You can see that ‘Buy Volume’ (how many offers to Buy Plex on the market) has been trending up for the past year. ‘Sell Volume’ (how many Plex are offered for sale) has been mostly trending down. So, more offers to buy, fewer posted offers to sell, generally leads to an increase in prices.
When we’ve had similar buy/sell bottlenecks in the past (eg. 2019), Plex prices rose dramatically. My personal belief there is that sharp traders notice a period where less Plex is on the in-game market, they start buying up Plex to hoard it, which leads to even less supply, driving prices up, then they unload it after the price increase for a fairly massive profit.
That’s short term trading though. Long term, there are fewer players adding new Plex into the system overall, and more multiboxers and “FreeMega” accounts looking to Plex their accounts, and more overall ISK in the system every month. So prices will always trend upward.
Then they would do it via Direct StationTrade. Want to exclude PLEX from that as well?