Poll: Paid Name Change

If they added a name change feature that costs $10-$15 in PLEX, how many chars would you rename?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10 or more

0 voters


no thanks, already suggested, many many times, arenā€™t you around long enough to know ya should post crap like this in Player Features & Ideas.


There are already 2 threads on the topic there :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:


yup, so you can expect this to be shut down :eyes:

How about it costs nothing and can be done only once per char?

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Whether or not it should be done wasnā€™t the question, though - the question was if you would use it and across how many characters.

I donā€™t think it should be done, but I might use it if they made it available.

Iā€™d probably be basically okay with it so long as it couldnā€™t be used to shed reputation. Throw a ā€œFormerly known asā€¦ā€ tab on the character show info like the employment history and fine, whatever.

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CCP have consistently stated that Name changes will never be on the table.

You reputation is all you have in EVE. You can reconstruct your face, but your name is permanent, barring biomassing yourself. Even then, the name remains unavailable for new characters to use.

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Thatā€™s incorrect.
The name of a biomassed character is free for the taking within seconds,
which is the amount of time Iā€™ve waited between biomassing and finishing the creation of a new char with the same name.


You should update your sources.


This is a trash poll.
Should really be asking ā€œWill you, or will you not use it?ā€

People who own more than 5+ characters wonā€™t give enough of a crap to bother wasting time with Name Changes and just make additional alts.

You conveniently left out the ā€œname changes are badā€ option, so itā€™s a leading question and as such a bad poll.


I see fairly known names here, Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci was always hard to pronounce. :sweat_smile:


As long as the name change remains historical and the old name remains unavailable and only once per account. Otherwise no.

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No, the question was not ā€œDo you support name changesā€ the question was ā€œIf it existed how much would you use itā€, in your case it looks like even if you are against it, using it once might be a good idea :rofl:

I assumed character names were part of a database primary key, and so couldnā€™t be changed.

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No, they do change them from time to time for customer service reasons.


canā€™t remember when but CCP did a purge of names from unused accounts, it was awesome some cool names became available. Might be time for ccp to purge names again.

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Like ā€˜witness protectionā€™?

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More like inappropriate names.

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Ok, so I am looking at the names that voted 0 and based on the names, I think some of you should reconsider selecting 1!