Maybe the alliances should declare a universe wide ‘Bot Hunting Event’ where Capsuleers pay 100 mil ISK to freely hunt bots in the belts and at combat sites. The Bot Hunting Permit would be either NRDS or BDSI (Blue Don’t Shoot It) for the number of days that the permit is valid, meaning that if any member of the issuing alliance shoots the Bot Hunter down, the alliance must fully repay the Capsuleer for the ship, module, ammo and implant, along with any other losses involved in the kill.
The Capsuleer will also not engage in any PvP fights for or against the alliance issuing the permit. If the Bot Hunter does engage in PvP for or against the alliance issuing the permit, then punishment is up too the alliance that issued the permit.
Maybe the alliances could even set up certain times during the year where hostilities between all sides ceases to allow for Bot Hunting as coordinated effort.
Another idea would be too combat Bots with Bots. If CCP allows it, corporations dedicated to developing advanced machine learning Bots could be the method of ridding the game of bots altogether.
How the Anti-Bot would work is that it would use trigonometry to calculate the location of a bot when the bot warps out of a belt or combat site to a safe and then back to the combat site or belt that it was working out of.
Or the Anti-Bot could simply warp to a belt or combat site randomly and then cloak up gathering data on how the suspected bot is functioning. Once the data has been confirmed as being a bot either Capsuleer or Anti-bot could then intercept the Bot ending its dreadful reign of existence.
The Anti-Bot ships would have their own designations such as “INN Anti-Bot + unique ID number” distributed only by INN as too keep bots from being destroyed by PvPers. The unique ID number could then be referenced with the issuing alliance as being an actual Anti-Bot and not a counter Anti-anti-Bot. The Anti-Bots could then be set to roam regions of space and specifically engage any Bot that fits into their machine learning parameters.
With Bot’s being a nuisance as they consume resources for the alliance, I’m surprised that alliances haven’t started using the Bots against other alliances to drain the enemy alliance of much needed ISK from mining and ratting the belts.