Potential PI improvement

I’ve really enjoyed getting in to PI recently.
I was fitting up a new planet and just thought, hang on. Why can’t we have active and inactive buildings.

Kind of like having inactive modules on a ship. All modules are there, but only the ones that are active can be used. But if I just offline one and online another, then my ship is instantly able to do that next thing. I don’t lose the module each time I activate or deactivate it.

It would make PI even more interactive, which is good for people that like to interact with it. But have next to no impact for those that are more hands off.

Could set a limitation on maximum number of each building type. Like 10 extractor control units (extractor heads obviously not saved when inactive), 30 basic and 30 advanced factories, 5 launchpads, 5 storage etc just as an example.

Anyway, obviously just a starting idea to brainstorm from. I’m interested to hear what peoples thoughts are. Why they like it, how would they improve on it. Or even just why they don’t like it or reasons they think it wouldn’t work.

Also. Let’s do a multi select option for routing inputs. So from launchpad can be sent to multiple factories by holding CTRL. Or ECU to Factories etc.
As well as being able to name launchpads. (Though this may be a little too much extra data for the servers or something?)

I am curious to see how skyhooks play out with PI and if it is something that ends up being more automated than it already is. Right now, skyhooks are only in null sec, but I have a feeling they may end up replacing custom offices in all types of space. Don’t know if that would be a good idea or not, I do wish we had them in wormhole space.

i’m not sure where to ask this, so i’ll start here as I am new. I have read some posts where players state they make a billion isk a day on PI but my experience with it so far counters that - the cost of creating like wet mainframe is more than the income of selling it. What am i missing? if there is a better place to post, let me know.

A reason some might be saying “a Bil a day” is they have like 100 planets over 5 accounts (15 characters). And they round it all in to one. Perhaps YouTubers think they’ll get more people viewing their videos. Or they just haven’t done the number correctly. Or I’m also missing something.

Even if you bought everything at good buy prices, had next to no customs tax and could run factory planets non stop I think you’d be very hard pressed to get more than 20mil per planet per day, not sure even that is possible maths wise.

I enjoy PI, I think it’s novel to set up. But the problem is keeping on top of resetting extractor control units, or delivery the resources.

I do p0-p2 on about 60 planets, I’m doing it in high sec and average about 2.4mil per planet per day. I reset them daily when doing login rewards. So maybe about 5 minutes per accounts for dailies and planets combined.
If this setup was in LS, WH or Null I think it would just be easier due to 2 or 4 day cycles for same extraction amount due to abundance on those planets - areas of space.
Or do p0-p1 as can push more unites out, but again more time hauling the P1 per account per planet, so time Vs reward still to consider. And when you have to import export you have to go back to that area of space, so ties you down a little.

I estimate every 2 to 4 weeks my p2 will need to be picked up. (I’ve only gotten in to it more recently)

Hopefully you’ve managed to make sense of what I’ve written and helps manage your expectations of pi a little more.

Again if I’m missing something let me know, as I’m still learning also.

2 great sites to mention if you haven’t found them yet:


I had to read up about them just now. They seem ok but a lot of steps. I very highly doubt they would end up in low or high sec.

Wormholes on the other hand could be really quite interesting. Obvs no use for cyno inhib etc. but allowing more ownership of the hole and other bonuses seems pretty cool. Could definitely entice more people in to that area of space. Which is most likely the best space for any players that like everyone on hardcore mode.

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