I feel as though this thread is getting off topic, so just to pretty much end this discussion by demonstrating how youre wrong…
Yeah, youre right, I shouldve used the median…
Wait, my character name isnt James Budweiser.
James: Average income in Poland is…
Me: Actually, according to official statistics, its this.
You: Average is useless. If you were serious, you would have used median.
Me: Yes, maybe you shouldve used the median, James. Oh, youre talking to me. Why? I just corrected him on what the official statistics are.
You: An outsider shouldnt use his governments statistics to tell him how much money he makes!
Me: Look, all I did was correct him. Whether you think the government was corrupt or sketchy is your opinion, but thats the statistics we have.
You: Stop embarrasing yourself!
Please, re-read this topic from the beginning.