If the buyer doesn’t respond, would you consider a steep discount for my perfect alt?
mailed in game sorry didn’t respond sooner
he hasn’t responded
Still for sale !!!
still for sale !!!
LOL, Funny how that 330b offer never showed up.
yeh quite annoyed mate ill show you the emails if you want mate
still for sale !!
yeah, this auction is rigged… seller has shell bidders in place to start a bidding war if there is any real buyer that wanna place a legit bid. i would say it will be hard to strike a deal until seller really un-rig the auction and stop using alts and friends to put in fake bids to pump up the price… in the mean time, grab some popcorns and enjoy the show
sent you the mail
** popcorn **
well an uninjected 03 pvp god will a Gucci name is worth more then 225b to then be extracted
** need more popcorn **
548 injectors net worth 416b get your pvp god today !!!
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