Price Check 53m Hel Pilot / Erebus ready

I want to know how much I can get for this toon before I consider dropping corp and selling…

*HG Ascendancy set w/ 6-10 implants for Super Pod
*Positive Wallet
Drone Avionics 5
Drone Durability 5
Drone Interfacing 5
Drone Navigation 5
Drone Sharpshooting 5
Drones 5
Fighter Hangar Management 5
Fighters 5
Heavy Fighters 5
Light Fighters 4
JDC 5 / JDO 5
Cybernetics 5
Almost perfect Shield Skills
Min Carrier 5
Capital Ships 5
Gallente Titan 2
Capital Hydrid 4.5 almost done with it

Will drop corp and everything else needed. just want to see if its worth it if i catch a good offer I will drop corp and initiate proper steps to make sell immediately I did use eve character appraisal website so please be kind gentlemen / ladies

I could see this toon hitting 50 bil easy, although I would suggest getting light fighters to 5 before selling, will entice more players.

Eveboard says it has 53m sp, not 56m

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