Price check myself alt 113msp 175b buyout

Nick not for sale, just a price please. - Nick Kishunuba (Can fly any dread with t2 siege/guns) (Lvl 5 marauder (all races) can stormbringer rat with t2

Implants below
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Nick Kishunuba Board - Quantum Anomaly

150 b. for Nate (t2 Triage, t2 dread pilot) Marauder 4 (Can stormbringer rat)
Alt as well nate Gengod Board - Quantum Anomaly

  • Nate Gengod is located in Jita 4-4 with a positive wallet, currently in an NPC station with positive security status and 0 Kill rights.

  • Nick Kishunuba is located in Nullsec, just inquirying a price for that toon

quantom anomaly link?


Nick 135Bil

@Nick_Kishunuba 160b

Taking offers

nate Gengod 115Bil

@nate_Gengod ill take nate for 150B

I will allow bids for 24 hours, if none are placed. I will accept 150bn

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