Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

This is actually not true.
A business will adapt to stay alive, thus they will just lower their prices, which they have and will always do regardless of the game.

There is only one sure fire way to get rid of those types of people, take trading of any kind out of the game, anykind, period. It has worked in popular mmo’s (like skyforge). however that is a design position against ccp’s delusional “real world in a game” nonsense.

@OP CCP wants the inflation to happen, because while they make changes to the games alpha clone state nerfing aspects of it to prevent plexing for free, they obtain a hardship on the player that forces them to spend money. This is a win for ccp, in terms of business (as they think it is), even though it is really a loss.

CCP’s designers are sup-par, and lack any level of intelligent design. The last good one left fox-sov half way through its design concept, which is why so many hate foz-sov, it simply was not done right.

If you want to fix eve inflation, get a lot of pissed off players to come complain about it, because i can promise you with the shady dealings of ccp, they want it to happen and will not say “oops our bad” until enough people get pissed.

their designers have a hard lesson to learn. “lots of people, equals lots of money”. instead, they are in the midset “lots of money, from little amounts of people” and it’s a horribly bad position to have, but then again, sub-par design as i said.

Actually these rates are not even accurately reflecting the real playerbase on eve, as 65% of the players on the lists above are unique players where the other 35% are alts.

The value is much lower then you may think.

You don’t even know what inflation is…

100+ posts merged

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This is the first in a, hopefully, long line of essays on things that I find interesting about our game.

I’m a, mostly, Hi-Sec care-bear, so my views will be bias that way. This is a cyno alt.

First topic is the price of PLEX.

So much nonsense has been written about this recently. Let’s look at the facts.

The in game price, in ISK, of PLEX is rising steadily, simply put this means more people want to buy it than want to sell it. Whether the buyers are “plexing” their accounts or buying it to sell at a higher price later doesn’t matter for this article, at least not until the conclusion.

On a completely side note, if you can make enough ISK to actually afford to speculate on the price of PLEX why would you bother? You already have more ISK than you could ever use, and the ability to get more at any time. (At this point the people may see where this whole post is going) Therefore there must be another reason to need that much PLEX. Possibly something to do with market/CCP manipulation?

People want PLEX and they can afford to pay ISK for it. The only way for PLEX to get onto the in game market for those people to purchase is if another player buys it for real money (£££). Yes I’m from the UK.

This means fewer people are buying PLEX for £££ than want to buy it in game for ISK. Not entirely true because I buy PLEX for £££ occasionally to run dual training, but this PLEX doesn’t make it on to the in game market so isn’t relevant for this argument.

If CCP wants to stop the inexorable rise in the price of PLEX, in game, they have two mechanisms to change, either make fewer people want it for ISK or more people want it for £££.

Who buys PLEX for £££ and puts it onto the market? The answer is new or casual players. New players buy ISK to “catch up” and casual players buy ISK to save time. We have a lack of new players in the game and casual players leave Eve when things “go wrong”. And as we all know things “go wrong” a lot in Eve.

So that is the £££ side, what about the ISK side? I subscribe all my accounts, but with a little bit of work and a few efficiency changes I could “plex” them, in Hi-Sec. So is it any wonder that it is so easy for people in Null and Wormhole space to “plex” theirs?

CCP have made it easy for new and casual players to make ISK, to get them into, and keep them in the game, this has made it really easy for committed plays to make LOTS of ISK.

There is too much ISK in the game, it is too easy to acquire for long term players. Quite simply EVE has come to the “loot bloat” stage of its life cycle. A lack of new blood and the haemorrhaging of casual players is making the issue worse. (Did you see what I did there?).

The price of PLEX, for ISK, will continue to increase and can’t be stopped until it becomes too expensive even for the Null-Sec 'botters to afford. At which point anyone who brought and hoarded PLEX will make a killing, the price will fall and the process will begin again. Welcome to life.

oh look, another “won’t someone think of the newbies” thread.

let me tell you about this lovely thing called a meteor pack, lets say you are a new player, been alpha for a little bit. enjoying it, and wanting to take the next step, but feeling like you need a little extra incentive to go omega, and buying it with isk is just flat out of your reach. well, for just 15 dollars, incidentally the same price as a one month subscription, you not only get your 1 month of omega time. but 110 plex as well, which at current prices is around 400m isk. I don’t know about you, but when I was first starting out 400m would be one hell of a windfall, and plenty enough to afford pvp ships, or just about any pve ship I could ask for.



How many of your alts were banned this time?

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Useless rant should be in My EVE or Out of POD subforum

Why do people who have money buy gold reserves? So they can sell it for more later.

A corps members make money which goes into the corp wallet. It is then invested in plex so that wealth controlled by the corp grows (or at least doesn’t devalue from inflation). Then when that wealth is needed again, say wartime comes and srp requests start rolling or the armoury needs filling, sell the plex for liquid isk.

Isk sitting in your wallet isn’t ‘working’ and will likely lose value.

Evevery weekend one :rofl::rofl::rofl:

These are still left and that breathing social disorder can just make more anyway.

That’s what we get from CCP removing the pay wall to keep out the worst.

Ooooh poor you !!!

Well, at least you’re self aware in that regard.

There is none. Pilot’s services are going up, large hulls and structures usable in Hisec are going down, and for the other commodities it’s business as usual.

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would you look at that, prices are steadily dropping, have been going down for the past day or two, and it seems a tipping point may have been hit, since a bunch of very large sell orders just hit the market, and the sell price has crashed by around 3% in the past hour alone. granted it could bounce back, but with the summer lump coming up and prices historically starting to dip around this time of year, this will probably be the best chance to sell until next winter.

long term i said. i personally will be probably quitting after over 2 years of playing for that reason and eventually others will as well. the price can only go up so high for those people.

Long term, like, long term?

and for reference, the above forum post was made when the price of plex had hit the truly staggering, and obviously unsustainable price of… 780k per (adjusted for the plex change obviously). I remember those days, there was fear, and panic running rampant as speculation abounded that the prices may soon gasp break 800k!!! (again, for the oblivious, prices are adjusted to account for the change from old-plex to new plex)

REEEEE, at 850 i stop playing, GGRRRRgoonsbots, at 900 Eve is dead. REEEEEEEEEEE

EVE isnt dead at any level of plex as long as those who pay for their account continue to do so, im more referring to the “other” people