Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

Complete supposition. Made up, fake news. Nothing you have access to, or data publicly available, indicates this.

It’s not even in touch with reality. PA didn’t spend 200-400 million dollars to ‘make a quick buck’. It will take them years to recoup that investment, if ever. The only ‘quick buck’ behaviour I’ve seen has been from CCPs own design team, who saw the writing was on the wall with declining players base years ago, and decided to throw in injectors and Alphas to bring numbers up so they could sell the company off.

As for the people saying ‘no, EVE isn’t pay to win, really it isn’t’, I’m sorry, but since you have to PAY to even have any ACCESS to the most WINNING ships, and since you can then BUY PLEX to PAY for the ISK to buy those ships and put all the bling on them, and since you can then BUY PLEX to PAY for all the ISK so you can simply inject your way directly into all the skills needed, it is certainly pay to win.

No, you can’t buy skill. You have never been able to buy ‘player skill’ in any game, therefore it is a moot point. If it was a valid point, then no game has ever been P2W. Yes, the ISK and skills you buy was grinded(sic) by someone else, and not directly available from the cash shop (except for those oh-so important Skill Injectors of course).

The original point was “BDO was notoriously P2W”, my reply was that EVE was equally P2W. As it happens, I agree with the P2W purists who say “P2W is, in purest form, where you can only buy for cash from the game store, something that gives you a near-unbeatable advantage”. In that case, neither BDO nor EVE is ‘pure’ P2W… they are both ‘pay for convenience/speed/competitive edge’.

But skill injectors, available only from the cash shop (and to a lesser extent daily Alpha injectors), make EVE actually more P2W-ish than any other game I play. And I play a lot of games.

Skill injectors are available on the in-game market for ISKs.

“Cassino war” prove who have mone will win, Goons were save by “new rules” when CCP banned gambling :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, there are always statistics. Like when one makes a count of who eats chocolate and then finds that people with cancer eat more chocolate than those without. It doesn’t automatically mean chocolate causes cancer. Or take the reverse, meaning what if people with cancer ate less chocolate, which also doesn’t automatically imply chocolate would prevent cancer.

It needs a stronger relation than this. Hence did I mention such features like account-bound items. In Pay To Win games do these mechanics ensure that the player with more money actually gets to win and nobody else can.

If you want to insist on calling EVE a Pay To Win game then you’ll have to widen the definition:

Classic Pay To Win: I pay so that I win.

EVE Pay To Win: I pay for somebody to win.

Does anyone just think CPP is waiting until next financial year for a PLEX sale due to PA takeover for Tax reasons?


As incorrect as your previous statements. BTW, every single injector in the game is a cash shop item, they are not made, produced, found or otherwise created by player action. The fact that they can be traded between players after being purchased for cash is a red herring.

I know of no other game where a player can enter the game and drop thousands of dollars in cash, and immediately buy every skill, every ‘level up’ power, every bonus, and every item in the game.

As you say, some games use player ‘bound’ items to limit this. EVE does not. Every advantage a player can have in EVE (barring player skill and experience, true of all games) is available instantly for cash. Thus it becomes:

EVE Pay To Win: I pay cash to gain as much edge as I choose to have, with no upper limit. There is nothing I cannot flat out buy with cash.

Since other games require you to at least play up levels, complete campaigns, gain boons, achieve objectives to unlock boosts etc., that makes EVE actually the most P2W game I have ever played.

CCP has institutionalized RMT, player character trading, and cash purchases to a degree I have never seen in another game. I happen to think this was smart of them to do, and I don’t disagree with them doing so (although I would have implemented it differently). So I am not complaining that EVE is that way - it’s a business, after all.

I am just stating that’s the way it is, and thus all these complaints that EVE is ‘being milked for cash before being tossed aside’, or that “BDO is P2W but EVE isn’t”, or that “the only way to make money off Alphas is going P2W” are all moot points, since they were all rendered irrelevant by the very structure of EVE’s cash shop long before Alphas came along.

Anyways, because the mods decided to merge three threads that were going in different directions, we’ve wandered well off the thread topic.

Price of Plex - it’s a momentum driven bubble caused by a confluence of factors beginning last Aug/Sept/Oct. CCP doesn’t need to do anything beyond deciding when to time their next Plex sale, which they are probably timing to hit some goal outlined in the PA purchase ‘bonus payout’ agreement.

When CCP decides they need an influx of sales to meet the next goal target, they will have a Plex sale. The bubble will burst, and the hoarders will rush to be the first to sell their Plex hoard off at max price.

Until then, suck it up and soldier on.

What would you smart people actually be talking about, if it wasn’t for the dumb and hateful people, who constantly receive undeserved attention?

Imagine a world where people like you and Teckos didn’t waste your time with people who, in no way or form, have anything of value to say anyway and instead worked together figuring out solutions?

You’re only understanding it incorrectly.


money ( ISK/PLEX ) == Win

There is no direct connection between a player having more ISKs, PLEX or money and him winning a fight.

I’m sure one can find statistical evidence to make such a claim, but it ends up being as weak for a proof as in my example above for saying chocolate causes cancer or prevents cancer.

And because it lacks this strong relation is it not really Pay To Win. Or see it from another perspective: if you create a statistic on chess players and on how much money they spend in their lives just to play chess could you possibly find a correlation between “money spend to play chess” and “chess matches won”. Would chess then be a Pay To Win game?

you can be comfort and self-assured all day long, but you can not escape from the truth :stuck_out_tongue:

From the truth? You mean to say from your truth, because there is no one universal truth, but only versions of it, and the best we can achieve is to agree on one version of it.

I do understand your perspective though. You don’t actual mean winning a fight, but simply to win something such as the chance to win, or just one more month of Omega time. And from this perspective can I agree with you is having money and playing as an Omega a win. Others will find this however subjective and find that playing as an Alpha is a win for them, because they choose to spend their money on something else …

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It is simple CCP cross me for my subscription money, I will expose them here on the forum and all CCPs fanboys could not hide unpleasant truth about CCP.


And in english?

Extractors are cash shop items. Large injectors are made by players from sp+extractors.

Only the daily alpha injectors are from the store.

I’m guessiny he spent a ton on the game and got banned for whatever reason. Toxicity on forums or botting/input broadcasting come to mind.

CCP has made a horrible choice when it comes to “catch up mechanics”.
All they did was get greedy with it, but instead, they should of rebalanced the time values for training, or reduce the requirements from level 5 to level 4 in most cases.

But they are so focused on “milking” the population from money, they will end up killing the game (and slowly area).

Any real designer knows the best way to make money is to appeal to the masses, acquire as many people as possible. This is why games like fornite, or league of legends are making billions, while ccp struggles to hold onto its company at around 500m/year (and might i note, has to close offices or parts of its company as a result).

Who ever the “creative” mind of eve is, should be fired. Period. and then replaced with someone with similar thinking to the above (cater to casuals). It’s the best change ccp could ever make for this game.


if you want to see change just stop plexing in for a couple of months and start a couple of new alfa Accounts when they lose 20 thousand players not plexing in for a couple of months they will change there tune

You’re assuming less people plexing their account will lead to less people buying plex from ccp. But it’s not a given.

More likely plex prices will come down a bit due to lower demand and the players you’ve just told to go alpha will try to go omega again…pushing price up again.

When this happens, plex prices will hover around their ‘true’ value. We just haven’t reached that point yet.

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Ccp dev alt confirmed.

here’s an idea, how about ccp’ just sets the “true value” at round 100m? Say, like blizzard does with tokens.