Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

After reading these 500+ posts I can only conclude that Eve is game for a few people who really know how to use spreadsheets, all the rest are just stupid manipulated sheeps …

well… your not entirely that far off, but I would say more that there are at least 3 different games being played within the eve client at any given time. but each of them are inter-related and affect each other. depending on which of those games you play, how much you understand the other games, and how much they are directly affecting you at that moment. will determind how manipulated you are actually being.

(the three games being the actual spaceship game, the economy game, and the political game)

There is pretty interesting logic:
I cannot afford Omega with ISK => Nobody should be able


Side note: this name lost its meaning when real PLEX was merged with Aurum and started to be used to buy skins and other not PLEX-related stuff.

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Wow, Greyspear, you’ve convinced me! In fact, you’re so convincing that you should call all the companies you invest in, and let them know they can just stop wasting money on all that marketing, promotion and advertising they are doing, and just keep it as profit. Because clearly, marketing, promotion and advertising does not contribute to the companies financial success.

You can also call the companies that are using word of mouth or social media to connect to people and promote their products, because clearly, social interaction between customers and potential customers has nothing to do with a companies financial success.

In fact, you can even tell them to fire all their salespeople! Because directly encouraging someone else to buy a product obviously has nothing to do with a companies financial success, you just said so! WOW! SO much more profit will be made by all your companies!

Sadly, in this and other threads, Teckos and Greyspear have fallen into the trap of taking a foolish stand on an obviously incorrect position. They cannot emotionally accept that the subs they pay are not the one true thing that is best for EVE, and so they are now busily engaged in digging their hole deeper.

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Sadly EVE had become filled with brain dead people, and it really hurt my eyes to read this forums anymore.

Just a hint for the people who have the same brain activity as a frozen frog; the main factor who makes companies like facebook profitable is their popularity who translate in huge number of users and that is being converted in big profit.
Otherwise any “social media” without popularity and users to populate it will worth at best the few ten thousand $ needed to develop from scratch that kind of website… if anyone will be willing to pay any bucks for an empty server.

You are so butthurt that you can’t find a correct argument and thus rely on personal aggression. The salt is strong in this one.

get some cream.

Pots & Kettles !

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I do T2 manufacturing. It’s better than ratting. People who cry about Plex price need to stump up some dollars or STOP BEING SPACE POOR


I disagree I know I’m not going to spend another dime on this game until the entire market is fixed. there’s no value in doing anything in the game right now. it would take 20 years to recover the cost of your bpo and upgrades to it you loose on ore reprocessing then again to build something theres no winning in this game right now so its kinda pointless your not actually making isk untill you recover the full cost of miterials to produce that product

Join a group already doing this stuff instead of pretending that you are supposed to do everything yourself in an MMO.

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You’ve got things mixed up. EVE isn’t Facebook, and CCP doesn’t sell user data, which is how Facebook makes their money.

I was still only talking about what is and isn’t a financial contribution. A financial contribution means to have made a payment to CCP. For some reason do some of you not want to accept it, but you want to believe that by not paying money to CCP would you still somehow and magically have made a financial contribution to their business. I’m guessing the reason for your belief is that you’re still young and don’t have any money of your own and so don’t want to be left out when people talk about CCP’s financial success.

And of course, those who talk about EVE contribute to its popularity and those who play it for free also contribute to the game’s content. This then can attract paying customers or drive them away, but when it is attracting customers then it is also the paying customers who contribute with their money to the financial success to CCP and not you. Why even would you want to claim somebody else’s contribution as your own? You’d have to be very selfish when you want to take credit for other people’s contribution.

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if you can’t make progress in the game on your own why even start it or invest in it so thanks for the heads up im sure new solo players would really like to know there no hope for solo success in eve

Clearly you need to watch The Pursuit of Happiness. Might teach you something.

I can assure you that you can make it solo in this game from personal experience. The fact that there are no BoPs here was part of the reason I tried eve after high end raiding in wow back in its early days

I have to disagree with you m8. I make a killing selling BPC sets.

No. Eveconomist is talking about an asset. From Eveconomist’s first post in this thread,

Using the phrase liquid asset twice leads me to believe that Eveconomist is talking about liquid assets and not market liquidity. Later Eveconomist even adds more,

Some assets are more liquid that others. I have equity in my house…to access that value I would need to wait to either sell my house or get (another) loan against that equity. Thus, it is an illiquid asset. SP cannot be spent without first converting them to an injector and selling them. Now the amount of time is far less than me refinancing my house, but from and in-game perspective it is moderately illiquid. It is about as “liquid” as another asset sitting in my hangar. If you want to define liquid as “you can sell it” fine, but there is not much that isn’t liquid in EVE. Structures and…

These are not errors with terminology these are fundamental errors in economic thinking. Failure to grasp the importance and ubiquity of opportunity cost is an example. Some players have a high opportunity of time cost others don’t. CCP letting such players find each other (via the market) can actually enhance the enjoyment of the game.

Indeed, but it also highlights part of the problem with this discussion. PLEX has more uses now and that will push up its price. If CCP added more uses then the price would likely increase.

If you aren’t paying then you are the product.

As already noted Facebook makes its money via user information. Keeping track of everything you do on their platform and then using it for marketing purposes is how they make money. CCP could do that too I suppose, but my guess is that it is more limited given their limited player base.


You’re trying to play around with the meaning of a technical term from Economics.

I understand the temptation, and I reluctantly accept that even rational EVE players do this a lot as a side-effect of the techniques used to make the “EVE Narrative” plausible.

But you still don’t get to redefine a scientific term to suit yourself :slight_smile:

What you might do it discourage Eveconomist from posting, which would be a real shame.

BTW - the reason for this is that it’s generally quite boring to discuss technical topics with people who demonstrably don’t want to listen. The expert gains nothing, because people who think they already understand something, but actually don’t, can’t possibly say anything interesting or provide useful insight. It’s a “foundations of sand for a high-rise building” problem.

Unfortunately other participants gain nothing either, because the useful information is “shouted down”.

Personally I go after the problem sometimes, because it’s entertaining. This is where things like the “bittervet narrative” theme come from. I don’t actually care how crazy other EVE players are, but it’s funny watching them squirm.

But it would actually be better for everyone if this forum was more constructive, and less inclined to this:

BTW - every possible “clever” remark has been made a thousand times about that effect. There’s even a player who posts here sometimes who uses it as their character name. This isn’t a good time/place for a “you / no you” exchange. I’m not the one trying to redefine a precise scientific term to suit themselves.

The problem is with people who take an emotional stance on a certain set of positions “Alphas are bad, only subs are good, EVE isn’t P2W”, and then start twisting definitions, setting limits, ignoring refutations, tossing out ad hominems and red herrings every time they get pinned down in a contradiction.

Teckos is apparently conflating ‘freely exchangeable’ with ‘liquid’ here, since SP is quite liquid given one assumption: you have the ISK or the Plex to obtain an extractor (and you have the SP, of course). The time taken to earn the SP is no more relevant than the years it took you to earn your money before spending it. Very few people would say stocks and bonds are not a liquid asset, even though there may be fees, penalties and time delays involved in turning them into cash.

Teckos and Greyspear aren’t interested in debating the points they are entrenched in. They are only interested in making anyone who disagrees with their stance ‘look wrong’ so they can continue to remain in their comfort zone on their emotional position.

Indeed. That’s what we call “salty”.