Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

The UK is my country.

Minimum wage for someone over 25 in the UK is £8.21 per hour.


Is PLEX a luxury good? Do players want more ISK than less? If the answer is “Yes and yes.” Then check yourself.

How much income do you need to live? Once you hit that level do you tell your employer “No thanks,” to that raise? Of course not. If I can get 2 billion ISK via PLEX but not I can get 4 billion for the same expenditure am I necessarily going to buy half as much PLEX? Not necessarily. Sure I might have said when X PLEX could get 2 billion ISK I’ll buy X. But if X PLEX can get me 4 billion and I was already comfortable with buying X and more ISK is better than less…I might decide to go for X anyways. Yes, some might say “He, I can buy 1/2 X and also spend the residual on a pizza (or whatever)!” and thus reduce PLEX consumption. But at the same time, there may very well be a player who says, “Wait, for X*$Y I can get 4 billion ISK? Great I’ll buy.” This is like a 50% off sale when you think about it.

Basically, when the IG price goes up it is analogous to the OOG price going down. And we have tons of evidence that when the OOG price goes down the IG quantity goes up.

Reality just does not support your claims. Nor does economic logic.

Please stop writing this. It gives the impression you are foolish in that you are basically arguing that PLEX are a Giffen good…and Giffen goods are inferior goods not luxury goods.

FYI, a Giffen good is a good where when the price goes up you buy more of it. This is a violation of the law of demand (kind of). Basically a Giffen good is a good that is an inferior good and one for which there are few/now substitutes (a subscription is a substitute for PLEX in terms of Omega and ISK is substitute for many other items bought on the NEX…so this condition is debatable) and for which the income effect dominates the substitution effect. These factors lead to an upward sloping demand curve.

And for a good to be an inferior good that means that as your income goes up you buy less of it, that is the income elasticity of demand is negative. That is IED = %change in quantity demanded/%change in income < 0 (where IED = Income Elasticity of Demand). So suppose your income goes up by 10% but for an inferior good your quantity you demand has to go down, let’s say by 5% then your IED = -.5.

Indeed. When dealing with a social process it is like squeezing a balloon. When you squeeze on one part you end up pushing the air into another part of the balloon thus negating your attempt to make the balloon smaller over all. People are adaptive and when you get “lots of them” they are particularly adroit at being adaptive as you have lots of people trying lots of strategies to adapt.

No, I am not deep in love with the Mittani, but I do know that Goons, et. al. have solved many of the problems facing big alliances and are very good at adapting to changing conditions…so, knowing this even a hard reboot would very likely see me back with Goons. It isn’t a certainty, maybe most Goons would say F-it and leave the game for good and that would be that, but assuming they do come back (and they just might because a hard reset would have quite possibly and even worse effect on their long time enemies)…you’re basing your position on a unicorn theory.

yes… in you country… but in others the minimum wage is…?

it was a generalisation that wages where you are will not be the same eslewhere, sorry for the confusion.

In either case i believe when ccp made those infernal excavator drones and changed rorqs into what we have now they really took the wrong setp; now any change to that means people stop subbing accounts effectively hoding the rest of the playerbase at ransom.
Thats not even counting the stupidity that is anomalies.

Sure its designed that way so large alliances can actually sustain the numbers cus belt ratting was never going to do it; but it seems like (with most things lately) CCP try to put a simple fix on a complex issue.

When talking about minimum wage and income you also need to consider the cost of living; the UK is not known for having a low cost of living, our wages reflect that.

Countries with a lower cost of living tend to have lower wages.

If we followed my suggestion and banned all the poors then this thread wouldn’t exist

Depends in the US, where a large number of players come from. The national minimum wage is $7.25. But many states and local governments have set higher minimum wages. For example Seattle has a minimum wage of $15, IIRC. And CA the minimum wage is $11/hour.

And seriously, what is the point of this? That we try and combat global poverty via CCP and PLEX prices. Do you hear how dumb this sounds? If people are in poverty, pretty much anywhere, maybe they face more serious issues than if they can PLEX their account into OMEGA status.


I’m sorry, I must be missing something. Is the argument being made here “Because minimum wage for certain countries might be too low to afford 1 Month of Omega game time, CCP should intervene in ISK price of PLEX in-game”?

Because this is the argument that I am seeing being made here in favor of CCP intervening in the PLEX prices. Which I think it’s a very silly argument.

compare it to india, or brazil; we could get into this but c’mon; lets not please.

Why? Are mineral prices out of whack? What about moon materials? Are they causing serious problems or are you being bamboozled by the MERs?

there is so much wrong with these items yes.
bamboozled by mers that show only what people want to be seen… no

in march this year apparently we had an influx of new players…


Yes. And it is stupid, IMO.

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I’ve did that time a hundred times over already.
Dozens of posts spread across years and characters.

Even if I consolidated it all into one single gigantic thread,
it would achieve exactly NOTHING, because those who need it the most,
are the same people who will not acknowledge, or even understand it!

You think I haven’t tried? HA!

The smart and reasonable get drowned out by the stupid, ignorant masses! There is no proper discussion on this forum happening, ever, because of all of those who don’t let it happen!

One asshole triggers someone into endless back-and-forth-posting, the other asshole responds to every single post as if he owned the thread, the next asshole just outright ignores what you wrote and instead cicumvents every rule of conversation!

*inhales deeply*

The fourth asshole starts seperate threads about the same topic using alts solely because he wants to create the illusion of an issue, so people populate the threads solely for the reason of talking about the topic despite it being a non-issue, actually helping the initial creator to give the perception that there actually is an issue!


And the best part about the above two paragraphs, is that all of the assholes I’ve just listed above actually exist on the forums right now and the rules do not cover them, because there exist no Standard of Communication around here!

Instead, everyone gets to believe that his opinion, no matter how stupid, deserves to be heard! So many people believe that they’re entitled to an opinion, and worse, that they’re entitled to being told they’re right!

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Sheesh. Argument by declamation is weak. Can you go even a tiny bit further?

Would you even read it?

Well then why are you even posting? Why not just STFU and STFD or even GTFO if that is your ultimate attitude.

Aside: I love it when someone shoots themselves out of the saddle… sheesh.


*pulls on Teckos pants like a five year old*

Uncle Teckos, what’s STFD???


Sit The F— Down. :stuck_out_tongue:


aahhh! Thanks! :blush:

Then do no more than link me this thread please and I’ll read it for myself.

I am sat down, why wouldnt i be?

logical arent you.