Prime Bundle offer

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Well it is technically a saving i guess, there will be some people who will take it i assume

If you’re using plex for anything other than buying Omega it will be a saving. If not… Welp stick to subscriptions

Unless you run of time and money… Of course… Due to forfeiture attempts or other causes, of course…

Subs have always been cheaper than PLEX, this essentially means they get a nice easy 1.5bil starting capital if they are a new player or a nice discounted bonus if they are an existing player

It is also a discount over the normal rate so it can be used for both.
I used the 500 PLEX to give as a donation because it was easier to give 30 days worth that way.
I just used 500 PLEX out of 1,100 and used it to give 30 days to someone else and it work.
That can be good if you need to be 2.

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