Probag loan and be7a1e335d16 loan

Over the last week the two loans mentioned in the title have finished, so I thought a post for the record was needed.

Probag’s bond paid out in full to the satisfaction of all investors a couple of days ago and is now closed with the collateral returned.

be7a1e335d16’s 250bil loan defaulted. No interest was paid and I received no response to my initial mail chasing it up. The character was biomassed before I could send the final warning mail but the warning period has been and gone, plus an additional couple of weeks of grace, so I have handed the collateral over to the investor.

What was the collateral on the defaulted loan?

Blueprints. The exact type weren’t public in the previous thread so its up to Bobby if he wants to be more specific.

Coming to this new crapforum just to acknowledge i have gotten my investment + interest returned.Thanks raw and probag.That said … i’m going from this forum again asap , it’s giving me headaches :slight_smile:


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