Procurer?Best Material? Sell once Mined?

1- Im omega, im rushing for a Procurer after get into the procurer for what ship i should go? something special to fit? Im noob and pretty dont know what to do to improve.

2- What Materials i should mine, whats most worth it?(actually with a venture, tomorrow i will already have Procurer).

3-I listen in some comments thath i shouldnt just sell the ore once mined, what i do till now is just mine, go estation sell and back to repeat the procces. Is these bad? what should i do?

What’s your aim here? Maximising ISK? There are far better ways to generate cash than mining… :wink: lists all the asteroid ores you can mine. Currenly Gneiss brings in the highest Isk/M3 so I’d go for that. You’ll need to train for Modulated Miners and Gneiss crystals. You can use T1 Strip miners in the meantime.

As for what to do with the ore, that depends on your reprocessing skills. Either stockpile until you get to Gneiss Processing 3, or sell it in the meantime.

Here’s a basic T1 build for a Proc:
[Procurer, Arthur Dentz’s Procurer T1]

Elara Restrained Mining Laser Upgrade
Elara Restrained Mining Laser Upgrade

Limited ‘Anointed’ EM Ward Field
Limited Thermal Dissipation Field I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Mining Drone I x5
Acolyte I x5

if you are null, do not go towards anything higher than a procurer, its one of the tankiest ships… anything larger and you pretty much paint a target on yourself.

im currently using a retriever whenever i do .5 moons or just random kernite asteroids when i see them.

lists the best ore to mine in HS

Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II

ML3 Survey
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Mining Drone I x5
Acolyte I x4
Salvage Drone x1

Elara’s are expensive, for just a bit more training you can use tech2. 20mil vs 900,000 in Jita. Leave the training of mining upgrades to near the end, and just fit a DCU and overdrive instead until training is completed.

I like having a single salvage drone. Usually a flight of 4 is enough to handle belt NPC in high-sec. Having some salvage just gives you a touch more income. Plus you can salvage any wreck, even those you do not kill.

Shield extender rigs are preferred. But also consider Mining Drone rigs. (or a combination of). But keep in mind that Mining Drone Rigs trade off CPU, on top of the mining upgrades - you might require a Gypsy 3% implant; skill depending.

A survey scanner gives you a proper overview of the asteroids. Leaving your overview free to keep an eye out for other players.

Mexallon is one of the best options for mining without consulting external web sources. But keeping an eye over the probe scanner for Hemo or Hedb sites are also a good payday.

Eventually you will be looking at tech2 strips. But each ore requires it’s own skill, for the crystal and its refining. Stick with the tech1 strips until things like your fitting skills and tanking skills are solid.

Do not refine (because you will lack the skills up front). Compressed ores (service available at some citadels) can be carried in your procurer orehold same as uncompressed. There is a good market for compressed ore. (hint Plag).

If you’re mining by yourself, you should skip the Procurer and go for a Retriever and then a Mackinaw. Those are the solo mining ships, they have the largest Ore Holds. So you can stay out there mining longer, and you don’t need to make as many trips back and forth to the station.

That’s a pretty foolish take… You can pick up crumbs forever in your procurer while ultimately getting nowhere… or you can take massive scoops of material and make your time worthwhile. A Mack/Hulk/skiff will pay for itself 100x faster than a procurer/ret/covetor ever will, many times over before you are even threatened simply by using the most basic definsive tactics.

That was advice I got from a goon, even he doesn’t run mining ops in anything bigger than a proc, but he does have a porpoise in the mix.

Imagine having the power of the cosmos. Then what beauty there is in choosing to play in the dirt as if a child.

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