Thanks, Its invisible to a point I thought its a spot on my screen.
well it seems for the most part ok, but to get from lvl 25 to 50 is an immense drag, and for the rewards over 50 probably not worth it (those outfits are not THAT good), so you need to have better rewards in the level-up cans. Maybe 1-10; frigate skins- 10-25; cruiser skins etc
clothing would be better if they were consumed. with some fava beans and a nice chianti
Are there any rewards past level 250?
There are at least a few folks that pushed past level 10000.
I think If I will push past 9000 I will become a super saiyan.
Is there an exoplanet in each example? I would think not, but have to ask.
So, if i understand correctly, we will no longer have acces to specific AK items in the SOE lp store? there will be no way of acquiring the stuff from SOE store that requires A Kredits ?
Maybe its time to make them available for LP and change AK to SOE LP? This way people could still aquire them.
Some of the accuracy samples are pretty vague - see sample 10017043 above. I selected one transit that was clear, but the others are not distinguishable (detrended or not). That is, with the tools that we’ve been given anyway.
Some additional video tutorials from the researchers would be great (whether you link them in game or not). I’d like to see some examples, such as the linked sample, where a researcher is running through their way of analysis and discussing the things they are looking for and common pitfalls.
Otherwise, I see most people (i.e. consensus) not picking up things like the above sample and also marking transits that are actually just a 1 data point dip. I’d like us to be providing useful analysis, and it probably requires a touch more training that the initial tutorial!
Tutorial worked fine for me this morning. Couple of things I noticed (or may have missed):
- Tutorial doesn’t appear to include multiple planet transit marking explanation, or did I inadvertently skip through it?
- Why not detrend the data from the get go, or give that as an option to always detrend data sets?
- Would love to be able to comment on my submissions and see others comments too (in a similar fashion to Planet Hunters Talk page)
Hey Beta,
Aligning the transits helps to accurately record the period. Folding is just a tool to allow greater accuracy.
Folding chops up the time series and overlaps the segments using your initial transit and period marks. By using your mouse wheel you can adjust the period to give a better overlap in the folded view (the dips will appear to converge rather than be offset slightly to each other) which gives a more accurate period determination.
Just tried it out, it’s quite easy after some samples and a nice mini game … some findings:
- the animations slow down the whole process, is this intentional?
- the whole progress thing is not intuitive and visual appealing, the bars are moving but the numbers are always the same, also I got spammed with containers …I don’t like it
- sometimes it’s very difficult to get the control samples right, even a slight miss will lead to “unsuccessful”
Is it correct that you can advance and fallback in accuracy only with the control samples?
You will still have access to AKs and the AK items in the SOE LP store. We will no longer distribute AKs as part of Project Discovery, however.
What about the idea to change these items price to LP and convert sisters AK to LP?
We’ve bandied that idea about internally, however we haven’t reached a satisfactory state there. We can’t just allow a 1:1 conversion rate as there are people out there that have billions of these Kredits. For now, we will just be leaving the AK items as purchaseable. We will be monitoring the AK sink going forwards and basing future decisions on that.
Wow. billions of AK?
Have you considered also abolishing AK after some time and making these as LP items without conversion? I am sure an announcement would make players spend as much AK as they could in no time, and then you could make items available for LP.
- if their is just 1 spike how to confirm it then without an orbit? > < here, I dont get a proposed orbit to confirm. Ah, I just have to reclick the orbit first mark as the second mark. The interface should be more clear about that; so on ORBIT 1; “select secondary marker to complete” on a tool-tip would be cool! So, after clicking, always have the interface tell the user you are “setting” the first orbit. This really is annoying, please make a “confirm” orbit button or something on “orbit 1” in the bottem pane.
- the noise line should light brighter as the line that points out trends as set by me.
- the tutorial does not tell that a right click does discard your gridline in the noise set.
- right clicking the ZOOM level should reset the zoom level, if you are used to it in the top array, you expect it in the bottom array too.
- please make it possible to “add” (2) horizontal markers in the scale on the left to compare spikes
- what if a fold could have a multiple color palet per period? now you see just a bunch of noise that you have to compare. > < this image has 2 periods folded in it, you see? you dont? me neither.
- please give us some (adjustable) presafed period sets next to the “detrend” option, like maybe 5, 10 and 20 days standard period blocks, make it possible to click such a default option and then doubleclick on the secundairy trendline to have a zoom on that location.
- please add an option with a (very dim) background (blueish?) marked erea that adds the minimal trend distance on the X axes. Now you have to find it out manually. (on all zoom levels)
- make it possible to browse back in your collection of already marked set’s, so you can look up your mistakes and learn from them by looking back at your history.
- make it possible to remove a primary orbit lane, by right clicking in the top graph, after you removed a secondary orbit line. Now you have to abandon the top field and go the X in the lower left corner, why?
- suggestion; make it possible to detrend a signal graph by right clicking twice in the top pane (on the standard 10hr setting) .
- make it possible to zoom the top level pane with your mousewheel (with a focused (negative) zoom on mouse position)
- make a setting to disable point counting animation.
- why can you not zoom in on a folded set? < what is going on here? I thought it was a eclipsing effect. Seems consensus thinks differently. < lol, really? the 10d pattern seems obvious.
Going down in expertise is easyer as going up, just like in last minigame, maybe have some kind of trendline with your XP to explain this? > this one is awesome, 2 very obvious patterns! I think it is 2 planets, some people think it is due to an eclipse being there :D. < rank 9, done for today ;). Nice minigame, bring it to android asap ;). GL with the feedback.
The tutorial help a lot to understand how the things work
but as soon as we quit it and are confronted to real sample
I wasn’t able to put what I learn on it and obtaining a clear view of what to do .
Probably I have to do the tutorial again to pay more attention of the details.
The tutorial ( made 2 times) does not help to figure out the samples.
The first one is probably a planet type object given the depth of the transit (binary eclipse effects are generally of the order of 10-40%), but we also accept binary star eclipsing effects as valid solutions, since there are configurations under which the transit of a star is indistinguishable from the transit of a planet.
The second image seems to be the result of a bug that popped up very recently, there were some changes to the solution files we use for our gold standard data which caused it to require marking transits outside of the sample.
Thank you for the feedback!