I can’t make it through tutorial 2/10. Don’t understand many concepts. How to mark multiple transits on the graph? Why do I have to align the transits? What is folded mode?
I wish someone will make a tutorial video for the tutorials.
I can’t make it through tutorial 2/10. Don’t understand many concepts. How to mark multiple transits on the graph? Why do I have to align the transits? What is folded mode?
I wish someone will make a tutorial video for the tutorials.
Seems like the market is bound to be flooded with these skins driving down the value. It may help you complete your own collection but I don’t see SKIN farming to be a viable long term profit generator for folks.
I think the idea is looking for consistent dips below 100% light levels. Yeah, the example slide it slammed you on is a confusing one to spot.
I remember seeing a sample like that. If that is based on the findings of an expert this indeed looks like mission impossible, unless the tutorial is capable of explaining cases such as these.
I get the feeling the goal is simply a nonzero improvement in the sorting rate, on data for all the stars in the sky
Seems to be working good for me. Tutorial is good. I like this better than the last project discovery.
yeah me too
Abuse by farming is always a concern. If it is easy to obtain the skins, then farming will take place but consequently, the market for those very same skins will penalize farming by an oversupply (see the drop in prices for skins made available from the Drone event). The Skins are a nice reward, and depending on their obscurity could be a good enticement, but the tiered rewards strike me as the real thing people will be looking for: the concord ship BPCs being prime in my mind.
So, how easy is it to farm the new Project for the more tangible rewards than it was to farm the old Project for AK?
Is your switch from AK to this dual level and rank system an attempt to avoid the farming mechanic from the old Project?
For me, Skins are a nice perk to have, but not necessary: they are not the end all be all. Anything rewarded that can be destroyed or consumed (boosters, ships, and modules for example) is of greater value to me than a skin. Standing out from the crowd is not the same as being better equipped or capable than the crowd.
Yeah, I got some similar results when testing the thing, and I kept wondering how in the world there is some orbit period missed in this pattern where it is obvious that the pattern itself does not indicate any similarity in luminosity drop… I wonder if this is something another player has posted as a confirmed result and the system has remembered it, or is it something that professionals have noticed…
I think the player results say something like “16% marked transits” or whatnot, and the suspiciously detailed and faint ones are confirmed controls.
I happened to get one of those right but man that was a hail mary
Makes sense…
Well this will be a challenging minigame for sure.
I hate to say it but you can spam the No Transits button and still get a consistent percentage of points.
When the tutorial tips is displayed it seems to be intentionally disabling all actions except the one thing you are supposed to do next, but a lot of the time the disabled actions does not get enabled again. Tried to go through the tutorial 4 times on two different characters and at every attempt some specific feature stopped working between tutorial step 2 and 10.
Once past the tutorial it seems to work fine though. Had to close the window 2 times to recover from some strange behavior 2 times on the way from level 0 to 25.
Yum, spam. Oh yeah, no transit is the new powerhouse of the cell!
If it were the case, I would make an alt named Planety McPlanet Face.
Nana. I think it’s a way to avoid people from just doing the easy ones
It would be really nice if you could see your already marked orbits in the “zoom bar” (the whole graph just under the main one) as well. I find it hard to notice whether I not I already marked a dip I see down there in the graph already.
It being light blue in the actual window, not the show info window implies it’s a copy, not an original.
You can clear your previous transits in the lower left of the interface by clicking on the small ‘X’ next to the matching colored transit/orbit text.